The Alpha is back

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People were screaming running to the exit. His vampire guards where kicking down the door trying to get in. The door was pretty heavy pure metal lucky me. Maybe they had it, so their victims couldn't escape I pull out both of my knives from vampire leader body and jumped out of the room through the window too.

Marisol was already fighting two vampires damn she really strong "behind you" I screamed she punched a vampire in the face and kick the other in the stomach then stab the other behind her.

Five vampires were circling me trying to find a weakness. One. . . Two. Three they leap all at once at me I swipe with my knife they all had huge cuts in their chest, man these vampires were extremely hot. They used super speed and ran in circles around me I swing punch one and cut open with my knife some vampire's face. (pretty no more)

Marisol jump over the vampires. We were back to back we had our knives we stab heart and heads cut open swipe left to right punch kick. We kill all of them there was blood on the floor in our clothes in walls There were vampire bodies everywhere.

"I guess we are done," I said. "yeah," she said we just about go when the club door was kicked down there stood six men(werewolf) in the middle was the guy in the bar the one that grabs my arm shit and double shit.

"Mine," he growled shit I have a mate that not possible.

"he's your mate you have a mate your dad is going to be pissed," Marisol said looking at me and then at men

"Shut up," I said.

The guy in the bar was running at me he grabs my shoulders his head was resting in my shoulder he was breathing hard "I finally found you, be with me we were meant to be together" I put my hands on his chest he looks me straight in eyes he looks down at my lips. I felt what he said was true I felt some kind of pulling to him but then I didn't feel anything

I put my fingers in place "sorry," I said and applied pressure he froze I immobilized him he was paralyzing a trick dad showed me for protection his wolves growled at me for what I did to there alpha.

"Run," I told Marisol and ran out the back door I ran to my home and Marisol to her house.

He will be paralyzed for 2 hours it doesn't work on the vampire, but it works on wolves.

"I have a mate," I said breathlessly. "WHAT," he said screaming "pack your bags tell Victor to pack go now" screaming at me

I went to knock Victor open the door he was shirtless "pack we are leavening," I said."what is going on Victor " A hand appears in Victor six pack I closed my eyes " pack," I told me through teeth closed I went in my room and startled packing. I change my clothes I put both of my suitcases in the trunk I saw Victor saying goodbye to the slut the thing look at me smiled and wink at me.

I was just about to run to her and punch the hell out of her but Victor stops me his arms were around my waist big mistake huge mistake bastard.

"Get your filthy hands off of me," I said."no listen to me sorry alright " he said I looked at him with disgust I grab his throat I put my right hand in place and I was about to applied pressure It wasn't going to paralyze him It was much worse he will pain for two hours.

"Jasmin STOP," my dad yelled that when dad grabs my hand broke it you could hear it crack I took my hand off of Victor's neck my hand was in so much pain.

"how could you?" I yelled."sorry sweety I lost control I freak out," dad said I looked at my dad then at Victor he was catching his breath. My dad always wanted a son, so I can understand his reason for this.

My dad was coming at me I push him my hand was numb it was so much pain tears started to form. Victor tried to get close to me I pulled a vaccine out of my boot the serum was supposed to heal any broken bones I stab myself with the serum. Serum enters my bloodstream I screamed it was that painful my hand healed I got inside I lay down on seats of the truck I close my eyes and slept I woke up got up my dad was driving Victor was in the passenger seat looking at the window. We surrounded by huge trees " your awake " Victor said tiredly I look at the window " how was your sleep," dad said.

Shut it you broke my hand trying to protect Victor my dad broke my hand cause Victor had a slut in our house and my stupid dad let him what an asshole "it was a nightmare," I said still looking at the window I laid back down and slept.

I felt hands on my thigh and back I open my eyes it was Victor "put me down now, "I yelled it was a nice house I grab my suitcases went to find my room I found a room it wasn't big it was dark I loved it was attic. It had a window you could see front lawn and truck. I notice Victor was staring at me I turn around and went to unpack the attic had a bed, a closet, a desk and a lamp next to my bed I had a small coffee table it better than room back home I open the closet and saw a rectangular mirror I hang my clothes I put covers on my bed I clean everything there wasn't anything dirty the wallpaper wasn't pink it was polished wood it was beautiful there was a room with pink wallpaper thought I was going to sleep in there haha no way.

I went to my bed and lay down I pulled up my covers and slept.

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