Cold Memories

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Things are going alright but , I know it won't last for very long

"Jasmin let's play " said jinx bellow me I was up a tree sitting on branch

She laughed " why are you always up on a tree "

"Come up I will show you "shes beautiful my little white wolf

"Wow it's so pretty " she said looking at sky, the sunset. The sun was going behind a mountain

"Jasmin look at the birds ,the white birds "

"Yeah alive and free " I said grabbing her sitting on my lap

Her hair is so soft like silk and pale skin everything about her is beautiful

"Hey Jasmin you will always be with me right you will never leave me right" turning and look at me

I look at up and saw a bird nest and said "you see that nest and you hear that baby bird churping for it's mom and dad "

"Yeah I see it but that doesn't answer my question "

I laughed "in some occasion the one of the baby bird dies so the mother bird and dad throw out the little bird off the nest "the she look at me shocked

"I don't like were this is heading jasmin"

"Haha I am not that good at this " I said scratching my head

"But mothers sometimes have to make sacrifices to survive and that mother knew it was best to throw that little bird to save the rest of the baby birds it may to seem wrong but it the right thing to do "

"If something happens to me know that I will be always protect you even if I am not there " brushing her hair with my hands

"By somthing bad happen . . . you mean death right " I look at her her eyes were watery

I nodded I don't want to lie to her I don't want say I will come back and when I may not  tears were running down her cheeks she hugged me

Here I took a necklace and put it on her

"My mother gave to me it was past down from parent to child I want you to have it take care of it for me ok "

She nodded and wipe her tears "now let's enjoy our few months together like it's going to be the last "

And she looked at and smiled and nodded yes

We went back but I didn't go into the pack house I just couldn't bear to be with at the moment

I saw her go in and get seated in the table Axel , Rachael were eating ,Martin was in his room reading that is so like him they are great

I turn around and walk into the dark forest

Will I be able save them how many people will join his army am I strong enough to beat them all

I not as strong I was before two people will die who and when

I transformed into a vampire ran away as fast as I could until I reached a waterfall it had many colorful flowers. The moon rays hitting the waterfall I sat down and played with the water with my hands. This pond is really really deep I came here later on this year to kill a pack that was working with Victor I was almost drowned in herebut I made it through I turn back into a human and took off my jacket and socks and shoes and I went in I wasn't naked it's just if anything happen I rather be ready

It wasn't that cold it's the type we're you can relax

You couldn't really see what was in the water and well it's night I dived down and looked up you could see the moon and a few trees it looked clam and peaceful. It look like a portal to other world that I wish I could go through

The Spirit Warrior Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant