twenty four

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You instantly pulled away, jumping up and onto your feet. A bright red covered your face, but guilt clouded your mind like fog. "Can we-I'm sorry Sonic-Listen to me pleas-"

"What's there to hear?" He didn't even raise his eyes to look into yours; they instead trailed the floor and the intricate patterns of the small purple rug beneath your feet.

Shadow coughed into his gloved fist, seemingly unaffected by the fact that he was caught nearly making out with you. "You've seen enough, faker. She's mine, and she just proved it."

Sonic whipped his head towards Shadow, an angry fire burning in his eyes. "Really? Because she kissed me yesterday night too!" He forced through gritted teeth, eyes boring holes into Shadow.

All colour drained from your face as Shadow turned around to face you, his ebony quills shaking with the sudden movement. His expression was nothing short of pure anger. "Is Faker lying?" His voice came out barely above a whisper, yet he sounded so heartbroken and despaired that you couldn't bring yourself to speak.

After choking out a small "no, he's not," he snapped his head to the right, glaring at Sonic with angry crimson eyes.

"Faker," he hissed, his tone sending goosebumps up your spine like fingers on a piano. "You're not supposed to hit on other people's girlfriends." Within a second, he disappeared and reappeared behind Sonic with a green flash, swinging at his head. Sonic luckily dodged just in time, speeding towards Shadow, a fist raised.

"Well, I love her!" He swung with each word, effectively landing a blow on Shadows jaw. Shadow grunted, eyes partially closed. Your eyes darted from one to the other, unsure of what to do. Your heart was hammering, tears obscuring your vision. As Sonic and Shadow continued to throw punches and kicks, all that could be seen were two black and blue blurs.

Shadow kicked at Sonic, and a sickening crunch could be heard as he was kicked in the ribs. A punch flew at him, Shadows fist making contact with his jaw. "And so do I!"

"Stop!" You stepped in front of Sonic, Shadows fist stopping inches from your face. "Please," you whispered, arms crossed over your face, eyes closed.

Shadow looked at you with angry eyes, turned on his heel, and ran out the door. Before slamming the door shut, he glared at Sonic, and if looks could kill, he'd be way worse than dead.

"Sorry, (y/n). I thought we had something special," Sonic's voice cracked, blood running down his chin, tears brimming his already bloodshot eyes. "I guess you've made your choice then. Go to that Shadow. If he's what makes you happy, go for it." Now, he held a gloved and blood-stained hand out, his eyes unwilling to meet yours yet again. "Do what makes you happy. Because when you're happy, I'm happy. Just know that I love you, and nothing will change that."

Before you could respond, he threw you a small, sad smile and bolted out the door, the wood slab slamming shut. The sound echoed through your now empty house, leaving you alone. You backed up until your shoulders hit the wall, tears already falling from your (e/c) hues.

Why? You pleaded, Why couldn't I make up my mind? They didn't deserve it. As your mind mulled over what had just happened, you got up, grabbing your phone and punching in a few words.

Silver, I've messed up.

You waited for a few minutes, still sniffling and wiping salty tears that ceased to stop flowing. Your phone buzzed, indicating that the ivory hedgehog had responded.

I'm coming over. What's your address?

After responding, you sunk down to the floor, leaving your phone on the pale ceramic tiles next to you.

You sat there for what seemed like hours before a knock was heard. "(Y/n)? It's Silver! I brought chocolate!"

"It's open!" You yelled, your throat hurting. The door opened a few inches, golden eyes peeking before the door swung open. Silver rushed to you and scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to the couch. You didn't protest or even react, and that scared Silver. You began to hiccup, more tears streaming down your face as Silver wiped them away, your head laying in his lap while he stroked the tangled mess known as your hair. You started to play with his soft chest fluff, a giggle emitting from both your and Silvers mouth.

After you had calmed down enough, Silver slowly unwrapped the chocolate bar he brought with him, snapping a piece and popping it into your mouth, treating himself after you mumbled a small "Thank you."

"Okay, what happened?" Again beginning to stroke your (h/c) locks, he patiently listened to your whole story as you explained, the tears never stopping and the hiccuping getting worse and worse. He placed a small, friendly kiss on your forehead, causing you to somewhat calm down. "Calm down, (y/n). It's no use to cry over what you can't change."

You looked up at him, a frown etched onto his face as his eyebrows raised in assurance. You smiled, a small laugh escaping your lips as you sat up from your very comfortable spot on his lap. "Thanks Silver. I'm glad to have a friend like you."

He gave you a small hug, mumbling something about it not being a big deal. He pulled back, resting his hands on your shoulders. "Listen, (y/n). You love them both, correct?" You nodded without hesitation, desperation and guilt in your eyes. "Hey. Don't give me that look. You don't need to feel guilty." Immediately, you gave him a sad smile, causing him to do the same. "Now, you have an important decision to make." He slowly spoke, trying not to be too blunt about what he wants you to do.

You nodded once more, loose (h/c) locks moving along with you. Silver pulled you in for another hug, and you buried your slightly red nose into his shoulder, relishing his warmth.

Suddenly, you perked up, looking Silver straight in the eye, speaking firmly. "I've decided," you smiled. "Thank you Silver."

You quickly embraced him once more, flashing him a nervous grin before grabbing your keys from the coffee table directly in front of you. Silver nodded reassuringly, getting up and walking out the door. A faint "good luck" was heard as the door closed. You followed him not too long after, locking the door and fleeing to your next destination.


The part for Sonic will be titled "The Sun" and the part for Shadow will be titled "The Moon."

save me - shadow x reader x sonicWhere stories live. Discover now