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He ran, loving the feeling of the cool evening breeze flow through his azure quills. As he slowed down to a jog, he saw a flash of (h/c) as the figure fell, tumbling down the road and landing with a dull thud. He watched as three figures approached the fallen one, lifting her up by the waist and slinging her over their shoulder. They stalked off without as much as a glance back, whispering amongst themselves.

Green eyes widened after witnessing the scene in front of him. What? He numbly thought to himself, slowing down to a speed-walk, leaving some distance between the gang and himself.

Sonic had left for a late night jog, when he heard some guys finding their new prey, much to his disgust. The image was still fresh in his mind: the (h/c) haired figure being lifted off the ground and carelessly slung over a shoulder.

He stood, paralyzed by shock. He slowly began heading in the direction the three had gone, catching a glimpse of them after a few minutes of stalking. He cursed under his breath after confirming that it was in fact you.

You, the girl that swept Sonic The Hedgehog off his feet. You, the girl with a dazzling smile, bright (e/c) eyes, and silky (h/c) hair. You, the girl who Amy Rose could hope to be. You, the innocent and beautiful girl who had just been kidnapped in front of his very eyes.

At that moment, something struck Sonic. Not physically, but something struck his heart. He knew now that he, Sonic The Hedgehog, was hopelessly in love with you. The way you moved with such grace. The way you lit up every room you walked into, the way you lit up his life. And at that moment, pain struck his heart when he realized you would probably never be his. You loved Shadow, and that was something he almost certainly knew.

The few seconds that passed seemed like an eternity to him, his bright green eyes being washed over with a dreamy mist. He thought back to the one time when he almost kissed you; the way you had stumbled backwards and cheekily grinned, making an excuse of tying your laces. The way you giddily laughed, (e/c) eyes displaying embarassment.

He now made his decision: he would try to make you fall for him, and he would try his best. If you didn't fall for him, he would suck it up, because he wouldn't want to have you do something that doesn't make you happy. He cared for your wellbeing, but he cared more about your happiness. If you were happy, he was happy. And that's how it would be, forever and always.

He snapped back into reality once he heard a door slam shut. He grazed his gaze over towards the sound, noticing a small house not far from where he was standing. He thought over his options and the possible outcomes, running a hand through his soft blue locks. The first(but not very favourable) option was to call your cellphone in hopes that you left it at home, having your boyfriend pick up and tell him the situation. The second option would be to barge in and fight off the enemies, picking up the unconscious (y/n) and fleeing to the safety of his home. The third and most practical option was to call the authorities, inform them of the recent events, and to give them the address of the goons. His final option was to wait in hopes that one of them would leave the house, giving him a chance to attack them.

He decided to go with the final option, impatiently waiting. Seconds passed. Minutes passed. Soon, hours passed. He frowned and checked the time on his phone, growling once he noticed it was 10:30. Anything could've happened to you by now.

Just as he was about to place his phone back into his pocket, it rang, revealing an unknown number. His heart raced as he slowly slid his finger towards the right, accepting the call. "Hello?" He hesitantly answered, heart beat quickening once there were a few seconds of silence on the other end.

"Faker. I need (y/n)'s cellphone number."

He frowned, quickly understanding that it was him. The better part of him decided to be kind to Shadow, and tell him what had happened. "Shadow? Is that you? I just saw (y/n)-" Before he could finish, he was interrupted by the dark hedgehog, causing Sonic to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"(Y/n)'s missing. I'm calling from her house. Just give me the damn phone number," Shadow growled into the phone, causing Sonic to flinch before answering.

He took a deep breath to calm himself, then spoke, "If you'd just listen, I just saw (y/n) get taken by a gang of some sort. I'm outside their hideout right now. I'll save your girfriend, Shades. Don't you worry!" He cheerfully exclaimed, making sure to put extra emphasis on the word girlfriend.

Much to Sonic's delight and confusion, Shadow agreed to let Sonic take care of the situation. Sonic bid him goodbye before concocting a plan. Just as he was about to ring the doorbell, his phone rang, causing him to mentally curse before retreating and glancing at the screen. His eyes narrowed in confusion, but he picked up immediately, voicing his concern.

"(Y/n)! Where have you been! I was worri--" he paused when he heard nothing but silence, but his eyes widened in disbelief as he spoke hesitantly. "Who's this?"

save me - shadow x reader x sonicWhere stories live. Discover now