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Your head was throbbing, and although your eyes were closed, you could feel another presence. For a second, you paused and foolishly thought to yourself. Am I dead?

A low purr was heard, and your eyes flashed open, your body bolting upright. You took a quick intake of where you were; in your room, with a hedge--WOAH. You had to do a double-take of the handsome dark hedgehog who was sitting in your chair, head propped up by a gloved hand. He was purring sweetly; until your face began to heat up and you began mumbling to yourself. "Oh god; what happened? Why is this dude here? Maybe he's the one who saved me."

His head snapped up, eyes opening to reveal gorgeous crimson irises. He abruptly stood up, walking over to your bed and crossing his arms over his chest, a scowl painting his face. "Thank you." You weren't sure if you heard right. First of all, he had a smooth, deep voice. Secondly, why was he thanking you? But it was barely above a whisper; his eyes darted every which way to avoid your own.

"F-for what?" You tilted your head to the side, and frowned upon hearing how weak your voice sounded, even to your own ears. His left eye twitched, and you knew that he was one to get irritated easily.

"For opening the chamber. I don't think I need to explain myself any more." He peered out of your window, arms still crossed.

"Oh, that? It was an accident. And I think I'm supposed to be the one thanking you. Thank you for saving me." You looked at him, and took in more of his features. His dark quills, lined with a bright red, along with his red and white shoes that seemed to be...floating? You shook it off, before extending your hand. "I'm (y/n)."

He just gave a cold glare towards your hand, before saying, "I'm Shadow. Shadow The Hedgehog." He turned around and walked out of your room, leaving you on the bed, head still pounding. Finally, you decided to go downstairs to make yourself something to eat, your stomach rumbling loudly. You threw the covers off you, feverishly placing a hand on you forehead and using all of your strength to stand up.

A sudden rush of dizziness overcame you as you felt yourself falling, (e/c) hues squeezed shut in anticipation of the impact. You felt arms around you, and your eyes opened to find your face mere inches from the floor. You adjusted yourself so you were facing the ceiling, only to be greeted by red eyes with a monotone expression. He flung you upwards, but it was just as you begun to clutch onto his arms for support.

Both of you came crashing down onto the floor, you holding his arms as they were placed on either side of your head, as his legs straddled your waist. A small pink was evident on his cheeks, but it was gone in a flash as he began mumbling profanities under his breath before pushing himself off of you. "Get up."

You blushed a bright red before attempting to stand, only to fall back down in a heap. You moaned as you felt a migraine presenting itself to your head. "Get up!" He repeated, in a more demanding voice than before.

"I-I can't. My head hurts." You mumbled, ears turning red from embarrassment. Changing the subject, you quickly asked, "Where did you come from anyways?"

"I don't know. But I will find out." A determined expression could be seen in his eyes. He sighed loudly upon seeing you unable to get up once more. Another sigh emitted from the male's lips as he placed a hand under the back of your knees and another at the small of your back before hoisting you up as if you were as light as a feather. A bright pink flashed across your features, a small squeak leaving your lips.

The walk down the stairs was nothing less of awkward, as Shadow didn't like conversation while you were trying to be friends with the hot hedgie.


You had been laying on the couch for about an hour before your stomach grumbled loudly. "I'm making breakfast." Shadow merely nodded before unlocking the door and stepping outside, causing you to wonder; Where is he going?

save me - shadow x reader x sonicWhere stories live. Discover now