twenty two

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You awoke to the sweet smell of pancakes. Quickly getting dressed and throwing your (h/c) hair into a messy bun, you walked down the hall to the guest bedroom where Sonic was supposed to be sleeping. Tiptoeing to the door, you cracked it open just a few inches, and surprisingly he was nowhere to be seen. The bed was neatly done, it's pale blue sheets clean and crisp. The rust coloured drapes were drawn, allowing bright sunlight to filter through.

Closing the door with a small click, you walked down the stairs, skipping a few steps and humming a little tune to yourself on the way down. As you stepped on a stair, your foot slipped on the carpet and you squealed, squeezing your eyes shut in anticipation of the hardwood floor. When you couldn't feel the wooden floor beneath you, you slowly opened one (e/c) eye, being greeted with the smiling face of none other than Sonic. Blushing, you giggled. "Thanks," you breathed out, touching your nose with his, a small blush adorning your face. You smiled at the handsome blue hedgehog, but frowned when you heard a familiar growl from the doorway. You got out of Sonic's arms, turning to see a very angry hedgehog covered in flour.

"Faker." Shadow warned, shaking out his quills in attempt to rid them of the flour, but to no avail. Looking to you, Shadows eyes held an angry look before turning his steely gaze back to Sonic.

"Heh-Shades I didn't mean to run out that fast," he began to reason, chuckling halfheartedly while running a gloved hand through his cobalt blue quills. Shadow silenced him with a hard glare.

"Breakfast is ready. I need to talk to the both of you." Quickly disappearing to do God-knows-what, you and Sonic were left alone. Nervously glancing at each other, you and he slowly made your way to the dining table in silence, the only sound was the scrape of the chairs against the ceramic floor as you pulled out your chair. Sitting across from each other, you took some pancakes, topping them with some whipped cream and fresh fruit, Sonic just grabbing a pancake and loading whipped cream on top. Holding back a giggle, you began to eat, enjoying the way everything tastes together. The silence was deafening, and you wanted nothing more than to break it. Shoving forkfuls of your delicious breakfast into your mouth, you flinched once Shadow reappeared, not a speck of flour on his dark fur.

Seating himself next to you, you could practically feel the heat off of him. The corners of your lips went down as you shoved another chunk of pancake into your mouth, the sweet flavour of the syrup leaving a pleasant aftertaste, and upon seeing Sonic mimic your actions, you smiled gently. Deciding to lighten the mood, you began to joke, all events of the night before making you feel guilty for lashing out at him. "Shades, where did you learn to cook so well? I bet you're a professional chef!" You giggled, tucking a strand of (h/c) behind your ear, cheeks already flushing.

Snorting, Sonic caught on to what you were after, joining the teasing after a playful and knowing wink. "Yeah Shades, you've got to teach me some day!" He flashed you a quick smile and thumbs up, his cheeks a soft pink. You returned the gesture, poking your tongue out of the corner of your mouth. Upon hearing no response from Shadow, you remembered what he said earlier, concerned.

"What did you need to talk to us about?" You cleared your throat loudly, taking a swig of orange juice as it dribbled down your chin. Wiping it with the back of your hand, you turned your attention back to the dark hedgehog.

"Sonic," Shadow began, looking at the single pancake in his plate. "I don't want you around (y/n)."

"What?!" You and the said hedgehog yelled together, eyebrows furrowed in anger. Sonic was the first to calm down, speaking intelligibly.

"Shadow, I assure you I won't hurt (y/n)--"

"Let me finish." Shadows glare hardened, but what worried you most was that he wasn't making direct eye contact with either of you, instead burning holes into his untouched plate of pancakes and fruits. "I don't want you near her because I think you've taken an interest in our (y/n). She's my girlfriend, and I am obliged to protect her." Upon hearing this, Sonic's eyes widened and he went visibly rigid, looking at you with pleading eyes.

"Can I clear something up?" You questioned, waiting for a queue to keep going. Upon receiving none, you continued anyways, "I'm not your girlfriend, Shadow. I never was. I don't know what was going on, but you brought the title of being my boyfriend onto yourself. With all due respect to both of you, I think I should be able to speak and socialize with whomever I like, and I happen to like Sonic." Smiling at the azure hedgehog, he blushed profusely, not even trying to hide it. You gazed into his emerald eyes, mouth twitching upwards. He raised his chin, proud of your answer.

"(Y/n)." Shadows voice cut through the silence, his voice soft. You whipped around to face him, placing a hand into his. "Can we talk alone?" Nodding, you grasped his hand.

save me - shadow x reader x sonicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang