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"Sonic!" You yelled out, causing the threesome to give you harsh glares.

"(Y/n)? (Y/N)?!" You heard him scream, causing you to frantically scramble about.

The one called Pein calmly walked over to you, grabbing you by the ankle from your spot on the bed and pulling you to him. His face was monotone, reminding you of Shadow. He growled menacingly before turning you around so your back pressed against his chest, clamping a hand over your mouth. Your muffled screams were useless, and everything suddenly went hazy as you let out a whimper.

You could very faintly make out Scourge asking Sonic for a large sum of money. Sonic very eagerly agreed, not thinking twice about it.

At this point, you gave up trying to fight the strong ginger, and just thought to yourself.

Sonic. The handsome azure hedgehog who so bravely agreed to give money in exchange for you, a girl who hadn't even put up a fight against the gang. How useless can I be? You thought solemnly, tears stinging the corners of your (e/c) pools.

Suddenly, another image flashed into your mind, and this time it wasn't Sonic, it was the dark silhouette of Shadow. Your (h/c) eyebrows furrowed as heat rose to your now pale cheeks, and you frowned when something clicked in your mind. You couldn't choose between the two. You began to focus on the differences and similarities between the two handsome hedgehogs.

Sonic was like the sun, a bright and cheerful being, always looking at the positive side of things. He brightened up any room he walked into, and could easily bring a smile to your face with little to no effort.

Shadow was like the moon, beautiful in all its glory. He was mysterious, brave, and easily angered. He had a soft side to him that you've just began to get a taste of. He's serious, but can be kind.

You frowned, understanding the situation you were in. You liked-no, loved the two hedgehogs unconditionally; and it's going to be very hard to choose between them. You shook it aside, (e/c) orbs narrowing upon remembering the situation at hand.

You struggled again, your muffled screams just barely reaching the phone.

"(Y/n)?" You heard Sonic yell, quickly calming himself down and speaking hesitantly. "Listen, please. I'll bring you the money, but don't you dare touch her."

You flinched at the sudden change in tone. The sentence began softly, him pleading for them to listen. From there, his voice had a sharp edge to it and he delivered the sentence with hatred and a warning. You blushed when you realized he was protecting you. It quickly went away when you remembered you were kidnapped and your captors could do almost anything to you.

You sighed contentedly when Pein's grip on you loosened, allowing you room to move. You scrambled back to the corner on the bed, grabbing the blankets around you and wrapping yourself up in them. The immediate warmth it gave you was incredible; your pale cheeks began gaining their colour once more. Your blurry vision cleared up.

The beautiful fox walked out of the room after Scourge mumbled something in her ear. She quickly nodded and gracefully strode out the door. "Hey babe, turns out this Sonic of yours has exactly what we need."

You hesitated before responding, frowning and asking a question you already knew the answer to. "Oh? And what is that?" You replied, your sharp tongue surprising the two captors, and yourself.

For the first time, Pein spoke. "That tongue will be the end of you." Was all he said, his voice displaying no signs of expression, yet you knew he was serious when you glanced at his violet pools.

You hastily nodded, as Fiona entered the room once more, holding a tray with some bread and soup. You raised a (h/c) eyebrow, not moving from your spot. "It's not poisoned, you know." She stated, quickly pulling you to her and cutting the ropes holding together your ankles and wrists. She walked out, leaving the tray at the edge of your bed, Scourge and Pein following suit without another word. You smiled; you remembered saying something very similar to Shadow.

Scourge peeked in again, whispering, "Money. Sonic has the money, babe." Before exiting and leaving you alone once more.

You cautiously edged towards the food; you hadn't realized how hungry you were until now, and you didn't even think it was worth running away now that Sonic was coming to get you.

Hastily shoving the bread into your mouth, you savored the flavour, and the warmth of the bread and butter. Your eyes rolled back in pure bliss, and a small smile graced your cracked lips.

Just as you finished slurping the soup, the door opened and Scourge walked in, holding a rope and a blindfold.

"Time to go. Your Sonic must have already put the money where it's supposed to be. Let's go."

save me - shadow x reader x sonicWhere stories live. Discover now