Love Isnt Enough

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Jennifer watched as Kristian payed more attention to her phone than the actual work they were doing. Puffy noticed it too. He could easily tell what was going on. He guessed Kristian was either dealing with her company or talking to another girl and judging by the smiling he knew it was a girl.

"How does that sound Jennifer? I think it sounds good. You give a good Latin vibe to it."

Jennifer blushed then looked at Kristian for her opinion. Once again she was on the phone.

"Baby, what do you think?" Jennifer excitedly asked but it was like Kristian didnt even hear her. "Baby?"Once again she was ignored. "Kris!" Jennifer almost yelled.

"Huh, what?" Kristian finally raised her head to Jennifer. She did not look happy. "What?" She looked Puffy then back to Jennifer. "What?"

"What did you think of the song?"Jennifer asked. Puffy could tell that the Latina had run out of patience. It was too bad that Kristian couldn't.

"You finished it already?"

That was the wrong thing to say and Puffy chuckled under his breath at the young girls fail. Jennifer was not amused at all and she was done with playing the fool.

"Who are you texting?"

"Im texting somebody about work."Kristian lied with a straight face.

"Oh the same somebody that you flew to Miami to see. Is this the same somebody that left those bites on your neck? How about that somebody who hung up the phone in my face this morning. Is this that somebody?" Jennifer vented. Kristian looked taken aback. To say she was caught off guard was an understatement.

"Can you leave us alone for a minute?" she asked Puffy who held the slightest smirk on his face as he got up.

"No. Sean you stay. Kris can go."

Kristian's brows touched with a deep frown. "Sean. When did he become Sean to you? When did she start calling you Sean?" Kristian growled.

"Don't swing your stick around here Kris. If you hadnt been screwing your little slut and doing what you were supposed to be doing you would have noticed. Dont act like im whoring around, that's you!" Jennifer yelled.

"Hey girl, dont come at me incorrect just because you cant handle your business." Puffy said with a smile.

"Excuse me." Kristian balled up her fists. "Nigga, Im doing you a favor right here. Im putting you on the map. I cant come incorrect."

"Just leave okay. Jen doesnt want you here. I can handle this." Puffy said with a smirk.

Without even thinking out it, Kristian hauled off and punched Puffy right in the nose. Nobody was expecting it and nobody was expecting Kristian to be able to hit that hard. As soon as her fist connected, they could hear a loud cracking noise and blood gushed out of his nose.

"Oh my god, Sean are you okay?"Jennifer leaned over Puffy checking on him like she cared. She glared at Kristian. "What the hell is wrong with you? You need to leave. I dont want you here."

Kristian ignored Jennifer and shouted at Puffy. "That'll teach you about thinking im soft. Just because I got titties dont mean anything. Ask your fatass boyfriend. This is my studio and my girl. Try saying some dumb shit like that again and see what happens." Kristian said in the heat of the moment but it still sounded like a clear threat.

By then Puffy had gotten his barrings and tried to seem tough. Only he lets Jennifer hold him back from doing anything. "Oh this isnt over. You watch your back you dumb bitch."

"Kris just leave." Jennifer said one final time and Kristian gave up. She did not feel like dealing with Jennifer at that time. The truth was, Kristian was cocky. She felt like no matter what Jennifer would be there and she felt invincible.

"Psss fine. Im gone. You can find your own way home.

Okay guys. One more chapter to go until the midway finale. I will be taking a short break after the next chapter. Thanks for reading and please comment and share.

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