All I Need

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Kristian smiled as she watched Jennifer sing along to the radio while she drove them to the resturant. Just seeing her so inhabited with the wind in her hair was enough to make anyone love. Jennifer grooved along with the song and grinned at Kristian, trying to make her sing along. The song was"You're All I Need" by Mary J Blige and Method Man. Kristian started rapping her part as Jennifer sang for Mary.

Kristian carrassed Jennifer's face and Jennifer blushed in her hand as Kristian sang,"You're all I need to get by."

Jennifer bit her lip and turned away from Kristian as the song came to an end. Kristian once again had her feeling like a teenager.

"We sounded so good together."

Jennifer laughed at herself. "Yeah thats because the music was so loud. I sound like a chalk board without it."

"Liar." Kristian poked Jennifer in the side. "I hear you in the shower. You dont sound bad. You sound just as good as every other popstar out there."

"I work for Janet Jackson and you're telling me I sound like a popstar. Whats wrong with this picture?"

"Im serious. I think you should do something."

Jennifer looked at Kristian to see the other girl was serious. A part of Jennifer was really excited but another part of Jennifer felt bad; like Kristian was giving her so much and she was not doing enough for her girlfriend.

"So what do you think?"Kristian asked excitedly. She just knew Jennifer could be so much bigger than she was.

"I don't know Kris."Jennifer said shaking her head. "This is crazy. How am I supposed to record a song? I dont know anything about making music. Plus im going on tour for a year. This just isnt possible."

"Jen Baby thats why you have me." Kristian smiled at her girlfriend. I know this guy. He calls himself Puff Daddy; okay, he isnt big yet but im telling you he and his crew have something special. I want to ask him to create a few things for you."

"Just like that?"Jennifer wondered if her career could be made that easily.

"Just like that."

Jennifer looked at Kristian for a second before her excitement caught a hold of her and she screamed. Kristian laughed at her reaction. Paying zero mind to the fact that Kristian was driving, Jennifer grabbed the girls head and tongued her down right there on the highway.

When Jennifer pulled back she was smiling from ear to ear. "What about Janet, I can't just quit?"

"Dont worry. I'll take care of Janet." Kristian inwardly smirked before wiping her car into the parking lot.

Kristian smiled as she saw the cars of both her brother and her sister already there. She and Jennifer got out of the car. Jennifer seemed to be glowing from the news of her upcoming career. The two held hands as they walked into the resturant. Kristian could see her siblings and there lovers already sitting and talking. She and Jennifer walked up and greeted everyone.

Kristian's baby sister,Stella, had recently done another random crazy thing and married a girl named Piper, whom she met after a brief stay in jail. Kristian didnt freak out as much as she would have because Piper was a little annoying but harmless. Kristian's twin brother, Jackson, was siting with his wife, April. Jackson was the success story of them all. He ignored their crappy childhood and went on to become a doctor just like his wife was.

"Have you guys ordered already?" Kristian asked.

"Yes, I texted Jennifer for what you guys wanted and we just ordered for you." Jackson answered. He grinned at his sister. "Hold on to this one. She's a keeper."

Jennifer blushed and Kristian gave her brother the look. He and Stella had been trying to marry her off since they both decided to sign away their freedom in the union called marriage. Jennifer knew how Kristian felt about marriage and eased the tension.

"I don't know if I want to keep this one yet." Jennifer joked and Kristian faked being hurt by the words.

"Im not that bad!"Kristian defended. "Unless you want me to be." Jennifer slapped Kristian's leg for being nasty in front of people causing everyone to laugh. Kristian looked around and could see how easy it was for all of them to get along. They could easily be a family; like the one she never had growing up.

Jennifer saw that Kristian had deep in thought and kissed the girls cheek, pulling her back to reality.

"You okay?" Jennifer whispered while the others joked amongst themselves.

Kristian looked at Jennifer's beautiful face. There was a reason Kristian decided to make Jennifer her girlfriend. There had been too many other to count,both men and women but Kristian knew Jennifer was different. Jennifer was everything she wanted and everything her family wanted for her.She was perfect.

"Im just happy. Thats all. Being here with them; with you makes me happy." Jennifer smiled and turned back to the group.

Kristian thought to herself. With everything she had, why couldn't she stop cheating with other girls...with Janet.

Thats it for chapter 8.I hope this gave you insight into Kristian and her relationship with Jennifer. Please tell me what you think in a comment and share with your friends.

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