Where I Want To Be

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Janet climbed off of Rene as he slept peacefully in their bed. She was unhappy and now he was not even trying to satisfy her in bed. He was not cutting it in any other section of life so Janet was not surprise but she was disappointed. She was starting to look at Rene with regret, like allowing herself to marry him and please her family was a mistake.

Janet walked to the bathroom in her lingerie and looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to cry. She had gotten all sexy for her husband only for him to laugh in her face and go to sleep. She wondered how she's gotten in that position. She wondered if Rene was right and she was ugly.

Then she remembered Kristian. The girl made her feel beautiful and want. Janet looked at her self in the mirror again, pulled her phone out and snapped a couple of sexy pics for the other girl. Making sure to keep her face out of all the picture, not wanting the wrong people to see her.


Jackson watched how cute her sister and her girlfriend Jennifer were being. They were so touchy, Jennifer leaned into Kristian's side and Kristian constantly played wit Jennifer hair and stole little kisses along the way.Jackson couldnt help but smiled when they giggled.

But something else caught his attention. Kristian would check her phone every ten minutes and smirk at whatever message she was getting. Kristian thought she was too smooth but Jackson also noticed the questioning look on Jennifer's face every time Kristian got another message. He knew what was going on.

"So uhh Jen, I was telling Stella about how much fun we had at the club the other night." April pulled Jennifer's attention away from Kristian's phone. "Thats the last time I go somewhere with a professional dancer."

"You weren't that bad."Jennifer tried to be nice knowing the other girl danced like a one legged kangaroo.

"A guy offer to buy me a drink if I stopped dancing." everyone laughed.

"You have to worry about that for long. Jennifer is about to start her singing career."Kristian said with pride.

Jennifer gushed with excitement again as the other women started talking to her about the future.

Jackson saw this as his opportunity. He signaled Kristian to follow him outside for a smoke break. When they got outside and lite up he looked at his sister who was clearly proud of herself.

"Helping Jennifer's career, that's pretty cool."

"She's talented bro.She's confident but she just doesnt know how good she is yet."

"You know how good she is?"

"Of course I do. My girl is a star... a diamond even." she said with pride.

"Then why are you texting one of your bitches while she is sitting right there."Kristian looked at Jackson then rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"You have got to stop living like this Kris. I know its all you know. Dad fucked us all up but you need to grow out of this. I have, even crazy ass Stella has.That girl in there is probably the best person you will ever find for you. Dont go fucking that up for some dumb as dude or chick."

"You wouldnt be saying that if you knew who the chick was."

"I dont care if its Janet motherfucking Jackson. It aint worth it." Jackson threw his cigarette down and stomped it. "Look im just warning you before you get caught up. I dont want you to regret this."

Thats it for chapter 9.Please comment and share. Im trying to get these reads up so thank you for helping out.

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