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Janet woke up the next morning with a dull ache between her legs in a strange room. She could hear Kristian's voice in the small kitchenette of the pool house talking on the phone. Not really knowing what to do, Janet looked around for her clothes from the night before. She found everything except her panties and slipped her clothes on quickly. She had been bold the previous night but today,after the deed was done, she was more nervous about what this meant for her marriage and herself.

She did not notice Kristian re-entering the bedroom. Until her arms,wrapped around Janet's waist from behind.

"Where are you trying to run off to?" Kristian asked. She brushed Janets hair to one side and kissed the back of her neck.

"I have to get home."

"Oh right, the husband. I forgot you were locked up." she let go off Janet. "You need a ride or something?"

"No I can call a friend." Janet stepped further away from the

Kristian frowned at the awkward tension in the air. "Hey. This doesn't have to be awkward. I get it, you got a man. I knew what this was before we hooked up."

"Im not trying to make this awkward." Kristian sat on her bed watched a flustered Janet speak. She thought it was cute. "I don't know. I've never done anything like this before."

"Step out on your man or mess with another woman?"

"I've never been with a woman." Janet answered shyly. Kristian raised her eyebrows at this.

"Don't worry about it. I got you. Remember I told you it's whatever you want it to be. Before your friend gets here, we are going to have your story ready for the old man and everything will be straight." she reassured Janet and pulled the singer closer by her hips until Janet as standing between her legs. Janet braced her hands on Kristian's shoulders.

"So this is goodbye."

"Do you want it to be?" Kristian tilted her head to the side, looking up at Janet.

"I want what I had last night." Janet smirked, thinking she had Kristian right where she wanted her. But she did not yet know the game.

Kristian smirked before lightly patting Janets booty. "I can be giving you any more of that right now booty."

Janet raised her eyebrow at the new nickname. "Why not, you have to go to work or something?"

"Nah,I have to go meet up with my girlfriend in an hour. You know her right? Jennifer Lopez? She dances for you."

Janet stood there shocked. Kristian said that like it was nothing. Of course she knew Jennifer. She had just hired the new dancer from the Bronx. Jennifer was young, beautiful, and kind but she also happened to be friends with Janet's friends. How the hell could Janet explain to her friends that she was cheating on her husband with her poor dancers girlfriend. Janet just knew she had gotten herself into some drama.

"But don't worry booty. This isn't over. I'll deal with her and come holla at you tomorrow." Kristian stood up, kissed Janet's lips and left her standing there.

That'sit for chapter 3. Comment and Review and Share. Yes, Kristian is a player but she has a heart too. You'll see. Don't give up on her now.

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