Making Moves

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Kristian sat there while Tupac yelled down at her. Puffy and Biggie had long since left and Jennifer was off visiting her parents so they had the place to themselves.

"I should bitch slap the fuck outta you. This aint some kind of joke. We are Death Row till we die."Tupac vented. "Do you know what could happen to you if the crew found out you are trying to trade up."

"Fuck the crew." Kristian whispered to herself getting angry.

"What did you say?"

"I said fuck the crew...and fuck you too if you doubt me." Tupac had to hold himself back from actually punching her. "Im not trying to trade up on nobody. You guys are my family. I love that. I respect that. But I cant be living this lifestyle my whole life Pac. I cant be on stage everyday and at a party every night for the rest of my life. I want better. Shit at some point I want to sit my ass at home, collect the checks, and put somebody else on."

"You can do that here!"

"You know damn well shit is going to change when Dre leaves." Kristian looked him dead in the eyes ass he spoke. "Suge aint about to let anybody get as high as him. That nigga pays dirty. He plays that negro mafia shit and you know it."

"So what? Things get tough and you want to move to the east coast."

"That was just a suggestion. Now I have a better idea. What if we started our own label?"

Kristian could the wheel turning in Tupac's head so she pilled it on. "We could be our own bosses, work with the people we want, make enough money to leave some behind to our kids. You could help those kids you kept telling us about back in your hood."

"Man Kris I dont know." he rubbbed his head in thought.

"Its a big move. I know that but Im going to do it Pac. Im going to change the game. Now I love you like a brother. I want you with me." she playfully went in for a hug.

"Man get out of here with all that soft shit." Tupac playfully shoved her off of him.

"We could call it Makaveli Records."

"Naw that sounds like its all me. If this happens, and im not saying im down just yet, we need something for the both of us."

They sat there think, then Kristia came up with an idea. "What about....."

Thats it for this chapter. I need your guys help with naming the record company. What would you name it? Please comment and vote and share and thanks for reading.

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