Trapped in the Bathroom

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Janet combed out the tangles in her hair as Kristin showered after their hours long marathon of sex. Janet grinned at the naked silouette of Kristian through the shower glass.The other girl stood under the shower stream singing Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's "Aint No Mountain High Enough." Janet burst out in laughter as Kristian tried to hit a high note.

Kristian pulled back the glass door and stuck her head out. "I know your not laughing at my singing. Booty I am an artist."

"Yeah a rap artist. Dont quit your day job." Janet joked.

"Like you can do much better."Kristian smiled as Janet's mouth dropped in shocked.

"You just shut up and take your shower okay." Janet smiled at their teasing.

Kristian looked at Janet through the mirror and admired her beauty. When she had gotten there, Janet seemed tired and distant. Now she seemed happy and playful. She liked thinking she had a part in making Janet happy.

Kristian shut the water off and grabbed the other robe of the hook. She was sure it was Rene's but she couldnt care less; she was handling his business after all. She walked up to Janet's back and held her around the waist. The two woman made eye contact through the mirror. Janet blushed at the smile Kristian was giving her. She hid her face.

"What are you staring at?"

"You're beautiful. Just beautiful."Kristian lifted Janet's head to look at her own reflection. She kissed the side of Janet's neck as Janet looked at the two of them together.

Janet was having a moment. She had looked in the mirror too many times and hated what she saw looking back at her. Too many time, she had been made to feel less than pretty by Rene and her family. It did not matter if they were joking or not; it all hurt and it all made an impression. Janet could see how honest Kristian was being with her feelings.

"Every part of you. Every curve.Every dimple." Kristian pulled the tie off of Janet's robe off letting it open and reveal Janet's damp naked body. Kristian held Janet's eyes and she traced Janet's abs muscles and traced her bellybutton with one lone finger. " beautiful."

Janet bit her lip letting out a deep breath. Kristian had this way of turning her on without doing much.The other woman hadn't even touched her intimately and here she was boiling on the inside. Janet grabbed one of Kristian's hands and slowly dragged it up to cup her right breast. Kristian kissed down Janet's shoulder whiled letting her fingers dance with Janet's erect nipple. Janet let her head drop back onto Kristian's shoulder.

Janet could have cried out as she felt Kristian's other hand combing through the light bush of hair between her legs, teasing her, testing her.

"You want the toy." Kristian asked in a husky voice.

"I want to feel you this time, all you." Janet answered.

The lovers did not hear anyone enter the hotel room until the front door closed. Janet immediately pulled away as if she had been shocked. Panic flowed through her as she rushed to closed and lock the bathroom door.

Just that quick Janet went from extremely horny to extremely scared. They could hear Rene chatting with the belly boy. Janet looked at Kristian with wide eyes. Kristian would have laughed at Janet's expression if the situation was not so dire.

"You have to go." Janet whispered.

"Go where?" Kristian asked with her arms up. "I can't just walk out of here."

Janet looked around the bathroom and her eyes landed on the glass sliding door that lead to a balcony outside. Kristian followed Janet's gaze to the door.

"Oh hell no. I am not about to out there in a fucking bathrobe for you. What do you expect me to do, jumped all forty floor down to my death. Fuck that." Kristian angrily whisped.

"The balcony's are connected. Just jump over to the next on. I can go down and rent out that room, then let you out."

Kristian looked at Janet like she was crazy. Getting the cookies wasn't supposed to be that much trouble.

"Kristian please. I can't have him knowing about this."

"Fuck him."

"What about Jennifer?" Janet tried knowing Kristian did not want the woman to ever find out. Kristian shook her head at the pickle she had gotten herself into. She swallowed her pride and made her way onto the balcony.

Janet whispered, "I'm sorry." as Kristian walked outside.

And another chapter is done. That's it for chapter 10. Please comment and vote and share. Question: Do you see Janet and Kristian going anywhere or do you like Kristian with Jennifer?

SHOUT OUT TO A LOYAL READER: @DamitaHeaux! Your constant votes and reviews really helps me get motivated to write. Thanks to you and everyone else who has been doing the same. You guys rock!


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