Socially Acceptable Savagery

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In a distant round garden past the clouds

A lost community in the cosmos

A brute population quite peculiar

This place where puppets choose to be puppets

Shirking responsibility to pull their own strings

Play the guile games and gimmicks others lay forth

Aware of their role as pawns in a game

Yet apathetic to the kinesthetics of chess

Hiding behind their brutal queen

Professing a state of helplessness

The truth is known, yet called conspiracies

And the lies continue, circulating undisputed

Because that is the majority preference

That is their chosen reality

A land where hostility is holy

Violence is coveted

Murder is bravery

Where your amigo is made an alien

Divided domains next door as neighbors

With bloodthirsty brethren eager for war

An invisible line deems the other as enemy

You are born into a tribe that you must protect at all costs

Despite any values or beliefs

Priority is based off proximity rather than principle

A patriot means unlimited loyalty

Hating the innocent lad next door

Because they are guilty of not being you

Burning books of foreign language

Because misunderstanding is just not an option

The only possible alternative to us

Must be evil

This land where the population is in no pursuit of peace

Imitation is instituted to continue the history of hate

Indulgently buying into the ruse of rivalry

Watching the suffering with sinful pleasure

Creating wealth off skin and blood of others

Feigning ignorance to those who publicly pour poison

Becoming an accomplice to atrocity

You are marked by your inaction

Guilty of your neglect

By allowing this place of so called liberty to become a land of terrestrial tyranny

The expanding eclectic estate we call earth continues

With the ability for mutual momentum

With the option to override this old world

We can climb walls that can't be torn down

We can hold hands with the so-called "enemy"

Parallel poetry to become a symbol of synergy

The balance is in blueprints collecting dust

Ready for the laborious hands to build

But the plans sit in our excuses

Hindered by the complaints

The hammer is too heavy

And the job is too large

So, once again we turn our heads

Hide our eyes

Shield our faces

Refuse to acknowledge the mistress we know as money

The hands that stir our cauldron

Twisting harmony into hieroglyphs

Making oceans into obstacles

Creating classes based on citizenship

Congratulating ourselves as though a birth place is a personal achievement

Deserving of the land we call home

Persecution comes with the territory

Those with freedom revel within, bloated by success

Falsely attributing these lottery winnings in life to skill

While slaves are well-aware of the good luck they missed out on

The fortune that is far-flung from their existence

Basic needs become business ventures

Inhumanity becomes acceptable

Based on concepts called economics

Illusions we created to say,

"Life's not fair"

"It's just business"

"That's the way the world is"

Fantasies we constructed just to have an answer

To sleep at night

To eat our dinner without a guilt trip

Aware of all those who starve

Not any less deserving

With absolutely no reasoning why

Together we starve the children

Together we destroy this world

This place we humbly accept as our home deserves better

And we all know we can give better

But we'd rather keep peace as an abstract delusion in our realm

Making this apparent, unattainable utopia

Just to live with our actions

Just to live with ourselves

How far will we let this world go

How much will we allow

Land, food, water are no longer rights

How soon before we start selling oxygen to breathe

Will that be the last straw

Or will we let that child suffocate too

Unsympathetic to another country's kin

Blaming lazy parents and leaders

Choosing to blind ourselves

Half-hearted in our attempts to help

Dropping a check in the mail as penance

A Hail Mary for our sins

Together we made this world with apparent rules

Together we can break them


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