Stars in the Sky - C l a r k e

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(So unlike Clarke but still cute af; just like her in that pic ^ oh and pls pls pls vote!)

The rest of the Arkers had been on Earth for nearing two months now, and somehow we'd managed to set up communities which somewhat resembled the different sections of the Ark with the help of those who'd sent the Hundred down to Earth after the Hundred. It was a good mix of Earth knowledge and the order needed to make things work that helped, well, I think it was at least.

And it was due to this sense of normality that people were slowly getting back to their normal – Jasper was finally sharing the odd joke with Monty; Octavia was trying to help some of the orphans with everything and Miller was being his usual sarcastic self if asked to do something, but then went to do the job quickly with some dark mutterings.

For the moment the sun was low in the sky, slowly sliding towards the horizon and casting a pink glow on the clouds that were drifting across the darkening sky.

People were still walking around, trying to finish up the last jobs that they'd been given with the dwindling sunlight. The odd clanging sound erupted from the mechanics tent, where Raven and Wick were still hard at work to try and make life easier for everyone.

Abby was walking around with Markus, muttering something or another about how the last hunting group had yet to return, but how the others had come back with only a little 'Maybe we need to send them slightly further afield,' Markus had suggested, scratching his chin as he thought; he appeared to ignore the look of horror that passed across Abby's face.

I knew the only reason she was panicked though. Clarke was one of the hunters today, having said something about needing to clear her head.

I sighed, lent back from the gardening, and wiped the back of my hand across my forehead.

'Making sure we've got enough green stuff?' came the teasing voice of Lincoln from behind me.

I smirked slightly, turning to face him. He was muddier than normal, and there was a string of their prey hanging over his shoulder. There was the slight glisten of sweat on his forehead, but a highly amused smirk was lighting his features.

'What?' I asked, raising an eyebrow as I brushed the dirt from my hands on my trousers.

Lincoln shifted the animals slightly, shrugging a he did so.

'What's got you so amused?'

Lincoln's smirk appeared to have widened, if it were possible.
'You've got an admirer,' he said in an annoying sing-song voice.

I frowned up at him as I stood up, dropping the trowel amongst the other tools.

'I-I do?' I asked, glancing around the clearing as if my admirer would be standing there, waving shyly at me so that I'd know who it was.

But, everyone was still going about their own jobs, seemingly lost in their own worlds.

The only exception to this was when people saw the final hunting group return, and patted their backs in a congratulatory fashion or else grinned before going about their own work slightly quicker.

The prospect of a proper dinner appeared to spur them on.

Lincoln chuckled slightly before rolling his eyes.

Could he stop with the practically reading my mind?

'Yeah, and don't I know it,' he said, sounding slightly irritated. The amusement burning behind his eyes gave him away though.

'What'd you mean? I asked as he began to wander towards the food storage and I trotted alongside him.

'Wouldn't shut up about you the entire time,' he said simply, before coughing and adding in a slightly shrill voice – Lincoln's impressions were really something to be desired – 'Did you know that (Y/n) has planned the hunting routes for two of the groups at least? And, they know loads of different stories about Earth because of the library we used to have. It's really impressive when they tell you all about them.'

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