Don't Touch Her - O c t a v i a

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(Overprotective Octavia is hot as hell)

You sat around the fire, the orange flicker highlighting your features as you laughed with the others.

Octavia watched you with a small smile, taking note of the way your eyes crinkled and you threw your head back as you laughed. You combed your fingers through your hair and the warrior felt her heart race against her chest.

She was in love with you, completely, and utterly. Luckily for her you felt the same way and you lit up when you say her, running into Octavia's arms and leaving a trail of kisses against her jaw. She grinned against your skin. You were hers. And she was yours.


She had to breathe deep to stop the red colour lighting up her features. You sat a fair way away, laughing with a few grounder boys, flirting maybe. Octavia's blood was boiling, it taking all her self control to refrain from slitting those boy's throat's.

She gave you the benefit of the doubt, though. Figuring you were just being friendly considering Skaikru had just formed the alliance with Trikru. Clarke had told everyone to make an effort after all, besides, you were great at making friends. Octavia knew this firsthand.


But as the days past you were seen with the boys more and more. They were often seen flexing in front of you or even worse, staring at your body, as though it was a hunk of meat, them licking their lips as if they were ready to devour you.

Octavia took deep breaths and ignored it. She had to keep her cool, trying to learn the fact that anger was always the shortest distance to a mistake. And grounder boys heads on her sword was most definitely going to end up a mistake.

However she drew the line when one of the boys grabbed your ass, drawing her sword and storming over. She pressed him against a nearby tree, the blade against his neck and spit in his face as you stood to the side in shock.

"Don't you dare." She hissed, pressing the blade deeper against his throat. "Touch her again and I will kill you.

Understand?" He could merely nod slightly, in fear of being skewered by the raging grounder in front of him.

Octavia, pleased with herself growled at the boy once more and withdrew the blade, twirling it quickly between her fingers before sheathing it once more.

"She's mine. Jackasses." She snarled at the remaining boys, them scuttling quickly away, looking back as went. She turned to you, her eyes sparking with jealousy.

"How was that Y/N? Did you like that? His hand grabbing your ass like you were his fucking property,? Would you have moaned and screamed his name if he decided to take it further?"

Suddenly you felt your face heat and a whimper catch at the base of your throat. It was something about the dark haired girl's voice that made you gulp.

Octavia's eyebrow rose and she advanced on you, her lips leaving angry marks on your creamy skin. Bites making you hiss and grip her hips.

"You are mine. I'm the only one who can touch you like that. You can only scream my name and pull my hair and leave marks on my back. Got it?"

You could only nod as her eyes pierced through you, you feeling your voice falter in your throat and so you crashed yourself into Octavia, kissing her fiercely, your hands flying to her hair, pulling her to you.

She groaned in appreciation and spun you, pinning you against the very tree that trapped the boy moments before. As she kissed and bit you all over you laughed and whispered in her ear.

"I need to make you jealous more often."

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