Friend - L e x a

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(Finally a Lexa imagine 🙌🏼)

"Y/N." Lexa summoned, beckoning you to her with the wave of her hand. You walked briskly over and bowed before meeting the Commander's gaze expectantly.

"Sha Heda?" You asked, watching as she started towards the forest giving you nothing in reply, so you followed, having to jog to catch up to your mentor.

When the two of you were side by side she looked at you, her eyes showing something new.

Not adoration, not love, but pride. Her head held high as she uttered praise.

"You are a loyal second. And you are progressing quickly with your training, you should be proud." She bowed her head slightly to you and you grinned.
"Mochof Heda." You replied with awe.

The Commander was everything you wanted to be. Fierce and loyal obviously, but she was more than that. She had a love for her people and was fair and true.

And as you walked together you realised that right now you were being treated as her equal, making conversation as you made your way to the fighting ground.


You trained together for many months. Her showing you everything she knew, the right techniques in battle, the right words to say. You had grown close over the time span and the two of you had become friends, with you often finding yourself with her after training, talking and laughing.

But right now was not one of those times you thought as her sword swung at you, defending it with ease. She advanced her assault, short, quick thrusts throwing you off guard in comparison to her usual sweeps.

"Be prepared for anything." She warned as she jabbed at you again, nicking your side. You hissed but twirled the sword in your hand, advancing in determination.


It was dark when you stopped, a slick sheen of sweat on your forehead.

Smiling at you, Lexa stood by you, her body also covered in perspiration.

She asked if you'd like to come back to the tower with her, agreeing before following her.

The two of you teasing and laughing, forgetting their responsibilities for a short while.

"You're getting sloppy Heda. I nearly had you." You snickered, her eyes rolling and glaring at you. She jabbed your ribs and stuck out her tongue.

"No. You didn't. But whatever you wish to believe." She teased back.

You realised then that Lexa hadn't had a friend in a very long time. Someone she could laugh with, talk to, trust in.

And you were happy to do that for her.



The rain was constant, the water soaking you and Lexa as you stood in the plaza of Polis, people around you running for cover. Not the two of you though. No, instead you chased each other around, before drawing swards, play fighting in the rain like 3 year olds.

The shower weakened in strength and you were glad to see Lexa looking at you with a large smile plastered on her face. Maybe the world wasn't as lonely and heartless as you once thought.

 Maybe the world wasn't as lonely and heartless as you once thought

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