Missing You - B e l l a m y

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(Imagines of Bell are the best 💚)

It had been months since I had been locked up, but it felt like years. It all started when my Mum became sick, extremely sick.

The doctors had told us it was a waiting game, but we knew she wouldn't make it so I decided to take things into my own hands.

Stealing the medication wasn't my finest moment, and it didn't even amount to anything as I was caught before I could give it to my Mum.

What sucked the most about being locked up was not knowing if she was alive or not.

Then there was Bellamy, chances are he had no idea where I was. Though, it was probably for the best.

Now, I was on the way to my death. The dropship was loaded with various criminals from the Ark, some worse than others.

I couldn't see a single familiar face around me and I felt myself become nervous. I was never going to see my family or Bellamy again, I didn't even have the chance of being put on trial. Instead, here I was plummeting down to Earth to die.

Suddenly, we landed with a crash and I felt myself brace for the dropship to explode or something, but nothing happened.

"Hear that? No machine hum." I heard someone say.

I couldn't help but let out a relieved laugh and quickly unbuckled myself and scrambled out, trying to reach the door before everyone else. Unfortunately, I was extremely far back in the crowds of people and I stood there, craning my neck in hopes of being able to see what was happening.

"Don't you think it's weird how of all the people that could have been sent down, it was us?" A girl beside me asked.

I glanced over at her, unlike the others she wasn't trying to push forward or attempt to see over the others, instead she stood calmly to the side. Her face was painted with freckles and her glossy, black hair was slicked back into a ponytail with her fringe falling into her eyes.

"No, not really." I answered, "We're expendable to them, just criminals."

Quickly, her lips formed a grin and she slyly walked over, but before she could say anything the doors of the dropship opened and I heard a loud yell before everyone poured out.

I felt myself being pulled out alongside everyone else and instead of fighting it like I normally would, I found myself pushing through.

All I could think of was Bellamy and my parents, how I would likely never see them again. It was possible I would be dead in the next few days or even minutes, why not seize the moment and enjoy being on Earth while I was.

As soon as I stepped out of the ship, I was taken back. The sky was so blue and the air was so crisp and fresh. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, feeling the wind blow through my hair. It was official, I loved Earth.

"Y/N?" I suddenly stopped what I was doing, whipping my body towards the voice.

My heart instantly stopped and my eyes widened in surprise. It was Bellamy.
"Bell!" I yelped out, running towards him.

I collided into him, pushing him back a little as I wrapped my arms around him. He paused for a second, as if still in shock, before returning the hug, holding me tightly against his chest.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked, "I thought I would never see you again!"
He hesitantly pulled away and grasped my hands, staring at me with that look I had missed so much.

"I should ask you the same thing, you just disappeared!" Bellamy replied, "No one knew what happened to you."

Sadly, I looked down and bit my lip and fell back into his chest. Memories of my Mum flooded through my mind as I grasped onto his shirt.

"I got arrested trying to get extra medicine for Mum, but it didn't even amount to anything." I mumbled, "She's probably dead now and I didn't even get to say goodbye."

"Hey." He murmured quietly, stroking my hair.

"It's okay, from what I know your Mum is okay."

This just made me hold him tighter in relief, she was alive, against all odds my Mum was still holding on.

"Oh thank god, thank god." I breathed out, "Bell, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, god, I thought you hated me."

Smiling, I looked up at him, taking in all his features. He had slicked his hair back, like he used to when he was a guard, but other than that nothing had changed. All his freckles were still there and his brown eyes still stared at me boldly.

I was undeniably in love with him.

"I could never hate you."

With that, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine in a long awaited kiss. It was slow and tender, but was underlined with a passion that I could only feel with him.

At least if I died soon, I would have someone I loved with me.

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