"Oh, so you saw that Chimera too, did you? The art created that tragic creature, is it the same alchemy that you idolize? It was your hand that put your brother into that irredeemable body. It was vanity in the art of creating something that brought about that Chimera, was it not?"

"Even so, why did you have to kill her?" Edward yelled. "Why did you take her life?"

"You knew, didn't you, that the Chimera could never be returned to normal?" Scar reminded. "That as it was, it would have been treated like a laboratory specimen, and not have been treated as human for the rest of its life?"

"It's true that we alchemists have made mistakes. But, even so, it doesn't mean we can accept what you're doing! Do you remember an Amestrisian doctor named Rockbell? Even after the order to exterminate uprising Ishval came out, they continued to help the Ishvalans."

Suddenly, Winry appeared out of nowhere. I gasped. Where did she come from? Why was she in Central? Alphonse saw here and hesitated. "Wait, Brother!" He cried.

"Don't you remember the doctor couple that saved you, and that you killed?" Edward finished, ignoring Alphonse.

"Ed!!!" I screeched.

Edward, now finished with his rant, faced us. But, he also saw Winry, who had a shell-shocked look on her face. Edward made the oh crap look, knowing that he screwed up big time. "What are you talking about...?" She trailed, trying to accept the news.

"Winry..." I hesitated.

"This is the man who killed Mom and Dad?" She continued slowly, as if the emotions were starting to build up inside her. "You're kidding. They were killed by someone they helped?" Winry dropped to her knees, staring straight at Scar who was giving her a cold look. "Why...?" She cracked. "What did my mom and dad ever do? They never did anything that they deserved to be killed for, did they?" She grabbed her head and pulled her hair, sobbing from shock. "Give them back!" She cried. "Give me back my mom and dad!"

There was handgun nearby and Winry's hand, trembling slowly hovered over it. "Don't do this..." Edward warned nervously.

"Winry, don't!" Alphonse begged.

Their pleads fell deaf as Winry grabbed hold of the gun and pointed it at Scar, sobbing even more. In her grief-stricken eyes, you could see terror and vengeance within them as well. "You are the doctor's daughter?" Scar asked. Tears ran down her face some more as she shook, still keeping a steady aim at Scar. "You have a right to shoot me," he stated. "Shoot me."

"Don't shoot, Winry!" Edward cried out as a warning. "Put the gun down!"

"You shouldn't be holding that thing, Winry!" Alphonse added.

"Shoot me!" Scar insisted. "But, if you shoot, on that moment, I will consider you my enemy!"

"Scar why you--" Alphonse started.

"Are you going to kill me? That will do as well!" He shouted. "Unless one of us dies, this chain of hatred will continue. But, don't you ever forget that it was you Amestrisians who pulled the trigger first and started the civil war!"

"No! Don't shoot him!" Edward begged Winry to not give in to Scar's taunts.

But, Winry refused the listen as her finger pried the trigger. I knew she was going to shoot. "WINRY, DON'T!" I cried, tackling her as she pulled the trigger, the gunshot going off, the sound ringing in my ear as the bullet barely whizzed past my ear. The tinnitus from the gunshot buzzed in my ear as I had a death grip on Winry as she squirmed underneath me. "Eve! What are you doing?" She screamed. "Let me go! Let me go! LET ME GO!"

"If you can't shoot, then leave!" Scar shouted, raising his hand in the air. "You are in my way!"

As he brought his hand down, I closed my eyes and squeezed Winry, bracing for impact, but I heard a "DON'T!" From Edward. Immediately after, when I opened my eyes I saw Edward between us and Scar. Scar froze, hand just hovering over Edward's face as his eyes widened.

Suddenly, Alphonse roundhouse kicked Scar and he jumped away, creating a hole in the wall with an explosion and fleeing. "Brother! You idiot!" Alphonse scolded. "You're going to get yourself, Winry, and Eve killed! Hurry up and get Winry to safety!"

Alphonse followed Scar but I held my hand up firmly. "I got this," I assured. "Go. Alphonse needs you. Don't leave him like last time."

Edward hesitated, but when he saw how serious I was he turned and went after Alphonse. I faced Winry, who was sobbing and still held the gun in her hands. "Winry...put the gun down now," I told her.

"Why....why couldn't I shoot him?" She sniffled, hand going limp. "He killed my mom and dad. He was going to hurt you, Ed, and Al. And even so...why couldn't I shoot him?!"

"Because Winry, you are not meant for killing," I explained to her. "These hands are the same hands that gave Ed the automail he needed to get his life back together. Believe me, I know how you feel. I just lost a dear friend to me and there's nothing I want than to find whoever killed him and make them pay for what they did. Vengeance or not, these hands shouldn't be stained with the blood of others. Your hands give life to others. It might feel good right now if you shot him, but what about later on? You killed a person, and although it was for the greater good, it's still murder. You just stained your hands with blood of a person you didn't have to kill Winry. You may not feel it now but the guilt of it will carry on and you will regret us forever."

Winry dropped the gun and threw her arms around me, sobbing harshly, back shaking as tears dropped down from her face. I hugged her back gently as I stroked her. "It's okay..." I whispered. "You're going to be okay. Everything will be alright."

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