Chapter 32 (Part 2)

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I was now immediately happier now that I would see Bailee in less than three days. Maybe she would even come back before that.

"Hey, Ni. What's got you all jumpy?" Hannah walked into the shared bathroom, that I had gone into after Camryn had talked to me.

"Nothing. Just a little change that's all. Where are you going?" I asked.

"Doctors appointment. I'll be back for dinner, alright? I gotta go now though, running a bit late. Bye Niall!" She gave me a little kiss on the cheek, grabbed her purse and left.

I decided to take a shower, so I got in, letting the warm water go down my back.

"I'll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you." I sang softly to myself as I ran my fingers through my wet locks.

Bailee just kept running through my mind, and I couldn't stop smiling. I turned off the shower, and rubbed my hair dry with a towel, then wrapped another around my waist and went back into my bedroom to get dressed.

I picked out a simple pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. I then went into the bathroom again and styled my hair into a small quiff.

"Hey, Niall?" I heard Liam on the other side of the door. I finished swooping up my hair, then  swung open the door, where Liam was standing in a tux.

"Woah, mate! You look nice. You and Morgan going out?" I asked.

I mean, I was used to seeing Liam all dressed up but it was nicer than usual. He had a vest on, and colored tie.

"Actually, no. This is what I was going to wear. For the uh, wedding." He grinned.

I was so happy for him. He and Morgan were so deeply in love with each other, it was almost sickining. Then again, that's exactly what I wanted with Bailee. I could see her in a white wedding dress, walking down a lit up aisle, smiling as she slowly approached me in my tux like Liam's. All the girls Bailee's bridesmaids, Hannah sure to be the maid of honor, and the boys my groomsman, Liam my best man.n 

I got taken away from my day dream by Liam snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry, Li. I think it's amazing. Why are you getting it so soon?" I curiously asked

Liam grinned widely again. "I'm just anxious. I know the wedding isn't happening until after tour, but, I don't know, just knowing that this is happening makes me want to have all the time I can to make this perfect."

"I get it. What are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Actually, that's the other reason I came up here. All of us are gonna go hang out at the pool and plan for the party. It was your idea, so we want you to come down there."

"Uh, sure. I'll see you down there."

I changed out of my jeans and shirt and got my swim trunks on, then went down to the patio where everyone was talking.

"Hey Niall! You're back!" Louis shouted from the pool.

Everyone else noticed my big smile on my face, and smiled back, glad I was happy again.

"Get in here, Nialler!" Harry said.

I was all ready to jump in, but then I noticed Hannah sitting alone on one of the lounge chairs, watching everyone else having fun and splashing around.

"I'll be right there, guys. Hang on." I went over and sat next to Hannah. "Hey, you're back from your appointment!"

She lifted the sunglasses off of her eyes, and pushed them up to her forehead. "Yeah, I am."

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