Chapter 22

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Bailee's POV

I can't believe that just happened. I just slept with Niall Horan. Not going to lie, but he was much better than Tyler ever was, not that I was going to tell him that of course, but it was true. He snored lightly, his hair messed up, and no shirt on, which I was okay with. I never went to my room that night, I just stayed with Niall, and we fell asleep after we, well, you know. Anyways, I rolled out of bed in my bra and underwear, but dug out Niall's worn down Made In Ireland t-shirt. I didn't even bother to put any pants on. I made a pot of coffee in the mini kitchen that was in the room, and took a mug of it over to the couch, reading a book I had brought. I blew the steam away from the cup of coffee and turned the page when Niall walked in wearing just pair of boxers.

"Morning princess," He came over and kissed me. "Well last night was fun, huh?" I laughed and kissed him again, but my phone interrupted us. Hannah.

"Bailee, where the hell are you?!" She exclaimed.

"Calm down, I'm fine. I went to a hotel last night, and Niall as here. I spent the night with him." I wasn't really hinting to here that we had sex, but she caught on.

"Ohhhhh, I see. Well, we were really worried about you. The boys have to leave for Miami in five hours, by the way. We're going to take them to the airport." She explained.

"Crap. Okay." I murmured and hung up.

Niall came back from grabbing a cup of coffee, slipping a shirt over his head, a loose fitting pair of sweatpants tied around his waist.

"What's going on, babe?" He asked me.

"You have to leave for Miami in five hours." I told him.

"Shit. I forgot all about that." He mumbled.

It was unfair. That he had to leave after we just had the most intimate part of our relationship.

"How long will you be gone?" I didn't really want to know; if it was going to be really long, I mean Hannah said we're going to the airport, so it had to be awhile

"A week," He frowned. "We have to do a benefit concert for charity, a signing, and a bunch of interviews. I wish I didn't have to go." He said.

I was going to say something, but my phone buzzed

From: Camryn

To: Bailee

Hey ! Surprise baby shower for Hannah in two days, you in ? We're going to skype Harry while they're gone :)

To: Camryn

From: Bailee

Sounds good ! I'm with Niall right now . We'll meet you at the airport, he has his stuff with him .

I shut off my phone, and set on to the table, telling Niall the plan.

"Well, if we have a little time." Niall wiggled his eyebrows.

I laughed and bit my lip, and he picked me up again, bringing me back to the bed.


Hannah's POV

"Do you really have to go , Haz?" I asked him, as he was putting some clothes into his bag while I was sitting next to him in bed, feeling a little bit nauseous.

"Of course I have to go, babe. I wish I didn't, but you'll have the girls here, you'll be fine." He said to me.

He continued to stuff clothes into the bag. 

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