Chapter 24

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Bailee's POV

I screamed. "Who the hell are you?!" Jumping straight out of the bed, I realized, it was my best friend, Jason, who barely knew a thing about why I left. Why was he here? "Jason?"

"Morning." He rubbed his eyes with his fists. 

"Why are you here?"

"Well if you forgot, we bumped into each other at that club, and you got pretty shit faced, as well as the other girls, so I drove you all here, and you wanted me to spend the night."

My eyes widened. "Did we, you know?"

"Of course not! I know that you have a boyfriend, but you insisted I spend the night." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, I better go, I have work." He told me.

"Hey, Jas?"


"Do you think we could talk? I mean, we obviously haven't in awhile." I said.

"Uh, yeah, sure. That'd be nice." He smiled.

I told him everything. From when Tyler and I moved in together, to where we were now.

"Wow," He said. "I'm gonna kill him."

"No. Don't. Like I told you, we met up and stuff. We just promised not to keep in contact, and if we ever see each other, just ignore each other." I explained.

We talked some more, about how he was doing, but then he had to leave.

We hugged goodbye, and I went back upstairs to go wake up the other girls, who were absolutely dead to the world.

Camryn and Hannah were in her and Zayn's bed, Kirsten and Morgan in Liam's, and Courtney and Rachel were in Louis'.

"Cam? Hannah? You alive?" I joked. They moaned, and slowly sat up, holding their heads, and massaging their temples. I left them alone and went into the girl's rooms, waking them up, having the same reaction as Hannah and Camryn did.

We all took showers, and drank plenty of water until we felt good enough, then watched one of the boys' interviews.

"Two more days you guys!" I exclaimed.

"Oww!" They all said.

"Sorry." I whispered. I didn't really know why they still had hangovers, and I didn't. After all, I was the one who got the most drunk.

I walked into the kitchen, to start making lunch for us, since no one else really knew how to cook. Especially Hannah. She could probably burn water.

I opened the fridge to see that there was barely anything there.

"Hey guys. I'm going shopping. Anybody want to come?" I asked.

They all wanted to watch the rest of the interview, so I went alone. I didn't want to see Niall. I still missed him a ton.


I walked into the grocery store. Thankfully, unnoticed. 

Walking through the aisles, I got asked a few times for an autograph though. But it was cool, being a little noticed. I just didn't want to be mobbed, like the other girls.

Throwing some meaningless stuff into the cart, I saw a girl reading a magazine that I could have sworn had my face on it, but I supposed I was just seeing things, so I kept shopping. I picked up some chicken, noodles, butter, and some sweets, then continued to the check out line.

I loaded the stuff onto the belt, when I saw the same magazine on the stand. And then I realized. It was me on the cover. With Jason. What. The. Hell?


Niall's POV

I wondered if Bailee was watching the interview. Instead of looking at the host, I looked at the camera, so if she was, she would know I was looking at her.

"Niall? What about you?" The interviewer asked.

"Huh?" I was confused, since I hadn't been paying attention. She laughed.

"I asked how your relationship is going."

"Oh! It's awesome! We're doing really well." I said with a smile.

Still, for the rest of the interview, I kept zoning out, thinking about her. I still had two days, but since I left, it felt like an eternity. I never stopped thinking about her, and picturing her.

"Well, boys thank you so much for stopping by, and we'll hope to see you soon! Can everyone give a hand to these amazing boys?!" 

Girls screamed, cried, and held up signs. All of us waved goodbye and smiled, then walked off stage and into our car that Paul was driving.

"Where to boys?" He asked. All of the boys looked at me. I didn't really know why.

"Uhm, we can just go to the hotel." I said to him. He nodded and put the car in drive.

 Harry would stop smiling and talking about how Hannah had said yes. We were all happy for him, but Zayn and Louis were kind of freaking out because usually the girls had same feelings, and they supposed that they wanted them to pop the question sometime soon. I mean, I knew that all of the boys and their girls were going to settle down eventually. Everyone was perfect for each other. Obviously, I didn't have to worry, considering me and Bailee just started going out, whereas most of the guys had been going out with the girls for 3 or 4 years.

"Here we are boys! Be careful, alright? Don't want any new headlines in the magazines about another wild night." He quickly glanced at me.

How did he even know about that?

The boys and I got out of the car, where we went throught the back entrance, in case of the crazy fans, and went up into our rooms. We immediately got our phones and computers out, Hannah called Harry, knowing the concert was over, Zayn called Camryn, and Lou texted Kirsten, who was at work. Liam had tried Morgan, but again, she had to go up to New York this morning, so he decided to sneak a twitcam past management. I didn't know why I didn't text or call Bailee, I mean, don't get me wrong, I missed her a ton, but I was just tired, and didn't have the energy to have a full on conversation without falling asleep within ten minutes.

"Hey, lads, I'm gonna try and sneak a snack down by the gift shop. Need anything?" I offered to them.

"I'll take a Pepsi." Harry said. "Me too!" Zayn added. 

Liam and Louis said they were okay, but Liam turned the computer to face me. "Everyone say bye to Niall!"

I laughed and grabbed a room key and some change. The elevator was thankfully empty, as were the hallways leading to the little gift shop with snacks and souvenirs. I walked in, scanning the shelves for a bag of popcorn and Zayn and Harry's Pepsi's. When I found them, I saw a little bit of a crowd heading toward the shop, so I quickly went to the cashier so I didn't have to deal with the fans right now. I just wanted to relax.

But that's when I saw it. The magazine.

With Bailee on it.

And not just her. With another guy, leaving a club, his arm slung around her shoulder.

And the headline?

Niall Horan's new gf, already found a new beau, after he goes out of town?

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