Chapter 31

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Bailee's POV

"Bailee? Bailee! Wake up!" Something started to shake me." I turned over to see Rachel.

"Rachel? What are you doing here? Where's Tyler?" I asked.

"Tyler? What do you mean, Tyler? The dick that hit you and you broke up with like three months ago and replaced him with Niall, the best thing that has ever happened to you?"

Niall. I disappeared on him out of nowhere. On all of them. Now I'm here with my sister, and not with him. Rachel was right. He was the best thing that happened to me.

"It was just a dream?"

"What was?"

"I- I was with Tyler. In bed, he kissed me, and said he loved me."

"Yeah, you came here last night in tears, and I let you spend the night. I guess it was a nightmare." She replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I sat up in the bed, and Rachel sat down next to me. "What happened last night?" She asked.

"Me and Niall. We just.... got into another fight. Hannah and Camryn took me out to talk about it. They said Niall was just trying to protect me. I was angry. I didn't need protecting. So I just got up and ran."

Rachel shook her head, and asked what Niall did, so I told her.

She didn't really say anything after that. I just wanted to be alone. I needed to think.


"Bailee it's been two hours, will you just come out here?" Rachel knocked on the door.

I ignored her. I still didn't want to talk to anyone. I still needed to think about everything.

Apparently she didn't care, Rachel just walked in. It was here house, I guess.

I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my head into my leggings. I was breathing rather heavily. Anxiety was washing over me. I felt like I couldn't breath.

Rachel came over and put one arm around me. "It's gonna be okay, I promise," she sad softly, "I just think you need to take some deep breaths and go over there. Tell him how you feel. I'll support your decision, and you don't even need to tell me now."

Suddenly, I just burst into tears. Why was this so damn hard?! For god sakes, I loved him. He loves me, he was the one who saved me from something terrible. He was the one who brought me into a new life of happiness. I knew what the answer had to be.

"You're right." I sniffled.

I slid off the bed, and got ready to decide my fate.


Niall's POV

I rushed to the door, and swung it open.


A smile spread throughout my face.

But then I took a second glance. It was just Courtney. They looked so much alike.

"Oh, uh, hey Courtney." I said.

"Hey Ni! Is Bailee here?"

I looked down at my sneakers, and tears began to well up in my eyes, but she couldn't see.

"Courtney! So good to see you, wanna go by the pool? I have to tell you something." Hannah slowly approached with her unusually large baby bump.

"Yeah, I guess. Later, Niall." She looked pretty confused, and Hannah led her outside.

I could see through the glass door, she looked so worried, but Hannah consoled her. I couldn't believe Bailee woldn't tell her where she was. She was her sister. Where could she have possibly gone? She didn't know anyone in this area.

What if she went back to Tyler's? Oh god, I really hope she didn't. I couldn't bare the thought of that.

I left Hannah and Courtney to their conversation, and went up to my bedroom. I picked up the picture that Kirsten had taken of me and Bailee at the carnival. The night we met.

I stared at it for what seemed like hours until I heard a soft knock at the door. "You're killing yourself doing that Nialler." Camryn walked into my room.

My grip tightned on the picture frame, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from it.

"You know she loves you, right? She needs her space. She'll be back. For now I really think you should focus on other things. I know you want her back, I know this is killing you, trust me Niall. You remember back in London when you guys were on a month long break, and Zayn took off? I thought it was the end of the world. But you know what he needed? His family. Space. That's probably what Bailee needs. Maybe she's with Rachel. My guess is that she's just overwhelmed, not used to guys standing up for her. She just wanted to be her own person for a while. Away from the spotlight." Camryn explained while I was still looking at the photograph.

"S-she's at Rachel's?" My voice shook. Why hadn't I thought of that? I need to go after her.

"I'm not saying that for sure. It's just a guess. But Niall, even if she is, you can't go. I think she needs to be alone and with family right now," my hands loosened, and Camryn gently pulled the picture from them, and set it on Bailee's side of the bed. "We love you Ni, if you need to talk, we're all here. LIam's party is in less than a week. SHe's got to show up for that. But for now, I think you should take your mind off of things. Go sit by the pool, go out with Liam." 

She hugged me, then exited the room.

Maybe she was right. Bailee had to show up for Liam's party. 

Less than a week. I would see my princess again in less than I week.


Bailee's POV

I tied my hair up in a small bun, and put my last layer of lip gloss on.

"You look great." Rachel came into the bathroom dressed in half shirt and green leggings.

"If only I had the body like you, I could wear stuff like that." I told her.

Rachel always had a better body than me. To come to thing of it, she had a better everything than me. Body, skin, tan, love life, so much more.

"Oh my god Bailee, shut up and stop bagging on yourself. Finish whatever you're doing, and we can go."

I looked at myself in the mirror. How could Niall have fallen for me?

Me. Ordinary Bailee Jones. Boring. Average.

I wiped the thoughts out of my head, grabbed my purse, and went downstairs.

"Here, you threw this on the couch last night." Rachel said, giving me my phone.

I probably had tons of missed calls from everyone. My screen lit up, revealing the picture of me and Niall at the boardwalk, the first night we met.

I stared at it, and I couldn't stop untill I just collapsed onto the ground.

"I can't do this. I can't go."

I have so many apologies to give right now. ONe, fo rnot updating since freaking august 26th, second, for all of the dialougue, third for the crappy chapter, and lastly, for this being the second to last chapter. That's right. Next one is the last one. And better bring the tissues. Obviously, that chapter won't take me two months to update. Don't hate me !


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