Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Louis' POV

I woke up to see the sunlight beaming through the windows. For a few seconds, I completely forgot about everything that happened in the past twenty four hours. I only remembered when I reached over to the other side of the bed to find it empty and cold. I sighed as I stood up and walked over to the mirror. My hair was a mess and I had tear stains on my cheeks and shirt. I walked to the bathroom and cleaned my face. I then smoothed out my hair before walking downstairs.

The boys were sitting silently around the table. None of them were eating, except for Niall of course. I poured a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter drinking it. I stared at the ground, my mind blank. I don't know how long we stayed in the kitchen like that. I didn't look at the clock. But I knew we couldn't stand around and do nothing. We had to do something. Anything. I slammed my now empty coffee cup, making the boys jump.

"I won't- I can't stand for this. I'm going to management." I said as I grabbed my car keys.

The boys all stood up and followed, even Niall, who left a plateful of food on the table. We all got into the car and I pulled out of the driveway. It was silent, we didn't even have the radio on. I gripped the steering wheel firmly, because my hands were currently clenched in fists. I was still heartbroken, but that was fueling my anger. I parked the car, and all five of us rushed into the building. The receptionist tried to stop us, but we easily got past her. She couldn't do anything to stop us, and neither could anyone else. We burst through the doors and apparently interrupted a meeting. Everyone looked up at us as I politely asked if we could have a few minutes with our management. They got up as we sat in their places and waited for them to close the doors. When the finally did I slammed my hand on the table.

"How dare you send her away!" I yelled angrily.

"How dare I?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes! You do not have control over my damn love life!" I yelled back as all the boys started adding other comments.

"I am boss around here, so all of you shut up!" He yelled. "I may not have control of your love life, but as head of your management, I have the power to get rid of distractions!"

"Not when those distractions are my girlfriend!" I yelled. "And she wasn't a distraction!"

"She made you late and caused you to have no concentration! Going by my rules as boss, she is considered a distraction!" He said.

"We'll guess what." I said. "As soon as our contract is up, we will be finding a new management who won't be in control of my love life."

"It's a pity you still have another year and a month according to the contract you signed." He said sarcastically. "Now, I have another meeting to get back to, so I will see you boys on Monday. Good day."

"You can't just-" I started.

"I said good day!" He yelled back.

The boys and I stood up, and I made sure I was the last to leave so I could slam the door. The wall shook and I'm fairly sure I almost broke the door. I stormed out to the car and we drove home. Again, we were all silent. Nobody said a word, and it was probably because we didn't know what to say. It was going to be a year and a month until I could see Jackie again. But she probably would either still hate me or have forgotten me. Both possibilities made my heart ache more. We pulled back into the driveway and went inside the house. I walked upstairs, and again I went to Jackie's room instead of mine. I pulled out my phone and called the first person that came to mind.

"Hello?" My mom asked as she picked up the phone.

"Hi mum." I replied sadly.

"Oh Louis! It's always nice to hear from you!" She said. "But what's wrong?"

"Management sent her away." I said.

"Who? Jackie?" She asked worriedly.

I started to tear up again. "Yeah mum. They sent her back to America with the child care and social service agency."

"I'm so sorry, Louis." She said sadly.

"She's gone." I said as my voice cracked.

"You can't give up hope, Louis." She said. "You have to find her again!"

"I can't mum! Management is forbidding it. The boys and I agreed that we would find a new management after our contract was up with this one, but that's another year and a month away! Jackie will probably have forgotten me by then." I said.

"You gave her to many memories for her to forget." She said.

"Then she'll probably hate me." I said.

"Do you know where she ended up?" She asked. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know, mum. I don't know how I would find that out." I said.

"Why don't you ask Liam who her child care agent was." She replied. "You could call to find out where she ended up and make sure she's okay."

"I hadn't even thought of that! Thanks mum." I said.

"I'll let you go, but make sure to call me again soon!" She said.

"I will."

"Bye, love you."

"Love you, too." I said as I hung up.

I raced to the top of the stairs and yelled down to Liam asking if he remembered the agents name. There was a moment of silence before her replied.

"I think it began with an s." He said like he was trying to remember. "Samantha? No... Sarah? No, that's not it either..."

The boys started suggested random names as Liam shook his head.

"Serena?" Niall suggested.

"Sabrina?" Zayn asked.

"Sadie?" Harry questioned.

"Selena?" Niall asked.

"Sally?" Zayn suggested.

"Sandy?" Harry said.

"Sydney?" Niall said.

"Niall! That's it! It was Sydney!" Liam said.

"Do you have the phone number?" I asked.

"Probably somewhere around here." Liam said. "Check my room."

I dashed into Liam's room and found the folder quickly, because Liam's room was almost spotless. I opened it to find the phone number. I pulled out my phone and dialed Sydney's number.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello, my name is Louis Tomlinson. My band mate is Liam Payne, and his foster sister was Jackie Corbett. I just wanted to call and ask where she ended up and if she was okay."

"Yes, she's fine. A little heartbroken, but she'll hopefully get over it. As to where she ended up, no one wanted to take her in, so she was sent to a group home in New York City. As for the exact address, I can't give that information out." Sydney replied.

I sighed. No one had wanted her? The last place I would've wanted her to end up was a group home. Of course the first place I would've wanted her to be was right here with me.

"Thank you very much." I said before hanging up.

I sighed before walking back to Jackie's room and sitting at her desk. I took a piece of paper out and decided to write to Jackie. I knew I couldn't mail it, because. I didn't know her address. But I wanted to write down everything I would say to her if I got the chance.

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