*New Story*

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As of right now, there will not be a sequel to this book. But I'm working on a new love story with Harry. I hope you all check it out! Here's a little preview...

The Boy From The Coffee Shop

"Tomorrow at four, don't forget." He said with a grin.

"I'll be here." I gave him a soft smile.

"So will I." He started towards the door, but turned back towards me one last time. "I don't believe I ever got your name."

"Aria." I answered softly with a smile. "Aria Matthews."

"Harry Styles." He stated, although I had already known."It was very nice meeting you, Aria."

He stuck out his hand for a shake and I slowly slipped mine into his.

And that was when it all began with the boy from the coffee shop.

-Lizzy xx

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