Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

That night, I wasn't tired at all. I guess jet leg was still messing with me. Louis said that it should wear off soon though. I couldn't wait until it did. It was so annoying being tired during the day and not tired at night. Anyways, we decided to have a sleepover in my room. We laid out blankets and pillows all over the floor. Liam's TV was still in my room, because we didn't move it back after last night. So we all crammed into my room and were watching more movies again. Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn were all spread out on my floor and Louis and I were sharing my bed. Liam wanted to watch Toy Story, so we did. Halfway through the movie, Louis scooted closer to me. I looked over at him.

"I need a cuddle buddy." he said in the cutest voice. He sounded like a little kid.

I giggled. "I'll be your cuddle buddy."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his stomach. He started twirling my hair around his finger. I listened to his heartbeat through his shirt.

Earlier today, when I got back from my walk with Louis, I went online and read about One Direction. I mean, if I was going to be the foster sister of one of them, I might as well know more about them. I remember people had said he was the crazy, immature one of the group. I mean, don't get me wrong, he could be childish and immature. But that's what I loved about him. Its what I loved about all of them. They were always themselves. They never changed to please their management. They never changed to please the media. And they never changed to please the fans. They were doing what they loved and they also acted like themselves. I can't get over how much confidence they have in themselves. They stay true to their self, even when people try to tell them to change.

I don't have a lot of confidence in myself. Everyday, I wake up thinking 'Am I good enough?' I am so insecure, you can't even imagine. Sometimes I even pull my sweatshirt up over my hands because I'm even insecure about my hands. I know, it seems crazy. Like why would you be insecure of your hands? But I have never been self confident. I have never had a guy like me. No boy has ever told me I'm pretty. I have never had a boyfriend before, which also means I haven't had my first kiss. I know, I'm ridiculous. Seventeen and I haven't had any of this happen to me. I'm just so pathetic.

"Jackie, are you alright?" Louis asked looking concerned. He said it quietly so nobody else could hear.

"Ya, perfectly fine." I answered.

"It just looks like your going to cry." Louis asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

Louis looked like he didn't believe me, but he didn't push it. The movie went by quickly, and I was still wide awake. The boys were getting a little tired, because after all it was around eleven. We put in another movie, which I picked. It was called Letters to Juliet. This movie is one of my all time favorites! Halfway through, I looked around and the boys were all asleep. I was kind of hungry, so I gently escaped Louis' grasp and walked quietly across the room. I accidentally tripped and fell next to Harry, who shifted in his sleep. But he didn't wake up. He just rolled over and I got back up. I made it out of the room and went downstairs. Karen was still up and she was sitting in the kitchen. She looked up when I walked in.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hello dear." Karen said.

"Can I have something to eat?" I asked.

"Oh, you don't have to ask. This is your home now. Your entitled to everything here." Karen replied.

"Thank you!" I said as I started to make some hot chocolate. I also grabbed a couple cookies. Then I sat on one of the stools at the counter.

"So, why are you up at this hour?" she asked.

"I'm actually not that tired. I think jet leg is still messing with my head a little." I answered.

"Oh, and where are the boys?"

"They are all passed out in my room." I said with a small laugh.

I took a sip from my hot chocolate and a bite from one of my cookies.

"I also wanted to ask one more thing before I go up to bed. How do you like it here?" Karen said, interrupting my hot chocolate thoughts.

"I really like it here. I especially love being with the boys." I said. "Thank you so much for taking me in."

"No problem. Its lovely having you here." She said with a smile.

I turned back to my hot chocolate and cookies. I thought about my answer. I was being completely honest. I really like it here. Scratch that, I love it here. This is the first foster family I have liked being with. I loved them all so much. They were my new family.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I knew it was probably one of the boys coming to join me. I felt their arms wrap around my waist. That's what gave it away and I knew it was Louis. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I woke up and you were gone. I realized how cold it was in your room without you next to me." Louis said. "Oh! Hot chocolate!"

He reached over and gabbed my hot chocolate. He took a couple sips before putting it back down.

"Sure Louis, you can have a sip form my hot chocolate!" I said sarcastically.

"That was good! You wanna make me one?" Louis asked.

"Typical." I muttered.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked.

"Boys and their 'Babe go get me something to eat'. We aren't your personal chefs." I said faking that I was actually angry. I took another sip on my hot chocolate.

"Did you just indirectly say you were my babe?" Louis asked.

I blushed and choked on my hot chocolate. I put the mug down and started coughing.

"Woah, don't die on me!" Louis said as he rubbed my back.

Once I finished choking, I looked at Louis and we both burst out laughing.

"Aren't you tired?" I asked him after we stopped laughing.

"A little, but I would rather stay up with you." Louis said.

I didn't even realize Harry had walked into the room. I only noticed him when he started talking.

"When are you guys going to start dating?" Harry said as he grabbed a water from the fridge. "Because all this flirting means you both obviously like each other."

Louis and I looked at each other, blushed, as looked away.

"Man up, Louis." Harry mumbled while walking out of the room.

Louis turned as red as an apple. Neither said anything for a few moments. I saw he yawned but he tried to hide it.

"Louis, I know you're tired. Just go to bed." I said with a small laugh.

"I'll go if you come with me." he said.

I was getting a little tired, so I agreed. We walked upstairs and into my room. We carefully made our way over the rest of the boys and back to my bed. I lifted up the covers and climbed underneath, and Louis did the same. I scooted closer to him and he put his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest and put my arms around his stomach.

"Jackie?" Louis asked sounding nervous.

"Ya?" I said.

"Would you maybe want to go on a date with me?" he asked.

"I would love to." I replied.

And with that I drifted off to sleep realizing how tired I actually was.

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