Semper Fi (Requested)

Start from the beginning

"This is a great way to start my first mission." Tanner said in a light tone. Grace smiled.

"I thought Tuvalu was a tropical island?" Taylor asked, wrapping her arms around herself to gain some warmth.

"We're not in Tuvalu." Ostin said as he looked around. "This looks like somewhere up North, like Canada or Greenland."

"Don't you mean Iceland?" Tessa sneezed.

"Actually, there's a funny story about that. It is believed that-"

"We're not in Tuvalu, got it." Nichelle cut him off before he went into another history lesson. Ostin frowned.

Taylor turned to Michael, who was looking around with narrowed eyes. "Did you know anything about this?"

"No, I didn't." His expression softened when he saw her shivering. He took off his jacket, one that he started wearing after he got Lichtenberg Figures in an attempt to cover them, and wrapped it around her without hesitation. She smiled gratefully.

A car came, stopping right in front of the group. Joel stepped out, wearing the proper attire for the cold weather, earning himself some envious looks from the shivering Electroclan.

"This isn't Tuvalu." Jack said bluntly.

He smiled and shook his head. "No, it's not. This is just a pit stop. We're picking up something important for your mission."

"Then why do we have to be here? Couldn't you just have sent it to wherever we're going or something?" Jack responded, irritated by the lack of information.

"Nope. Now, get in the car." They all gathered in the van, sighing in relief from the new warmth.

Michael was still uneasy. "Where are we?"


Jack smiled fondly. "Wade always wanted to go to Alaska. He wanted to live here and see what it's like to literally live in the dark for most of the year, rather than figuratively at home."

He frowned at his statement, Abi placing a comforting hand on his arm. Joel had to cough to hide his knowing smile. 


Ian raised an eyebrow once they parked. He stayed silent, though, knowing that it was a surprise. He followed everyone out the car, catching Joel's eye and nodding.

"This must be pretty important if we drove that long, we're losing valuable time for the mission."  Ostin said, entering the safe house after their 4 hour drive. 

They all walked inside and looked at Joel expectantly. "It's in the room down the hall, two doors down to your right." He looked at Jack. "You should see it first." 

Jack narrowed his eyes at the man. He looked at Michael, silently asking for his input. The blond gave a small shrug and said "Go ahead." 

"Okay . . . " Jack hesitantly left the others, following Joel's directions and opening the door slowly. 

He stopped. It couldn't be. 

He didn't dare breathe or blink or do anything. He was frozen in place, hoping to whatever god that is up there that this wasn't a trick. His eyes watered and his voice cracked when he finally found words. 


His words broke whatever it was that kept them both from moving, and they ran to each other and hugged. 

"You're alive." Jack said. My best friend is alive, he thought, still not quite believing it. He's alive. Wade is alive.

Wade was crying, overcome with emotion. "I am."

The two stood there, hugging and crying tears of joy. Once he realized he wasn't dreaming, Jack suddenly pulled back and socked him in the shoulder. 


"You've been alive the whole time?"

Wade withered from his glare. "Kind of."

"And I didn't know, the whole time?!" Jack calmed himself down and spoke more solemnly. "Wade, I thought you were dead."

The words hit him like a punch to the gut, except figuratively this time. "I'm sorry. I woke up attached to all these tubes and stuff and started freaking out. I remembered I got shot and died, so I was thinking 'is this a weird form of hell?' Then Joel came in and explained it all to me." Wade looked at his best friend, his eyes conveying how important his next words were. "Dude, I did die. They freaking brought me back to life!"

Jack stood there for a second. Then he chuckled. "That's awesome, man."

They heard footsteps before Michael appeared at the entrance. "Jack, is everything alright? We heard-" He stopped and stared, shocked at the sight. "Wade?!"

His exclamation prompted more footsteps before everyone gathered inside the room, a look of disbelief on their faces. They were all frozen in place, similar to Jack a few minutes ago. Wade smiled as he looked at everyone. He was confused at the sight of Nichelle among the group, but his happiness surpassed his confusion. 

Abi stepped up to Wade slowly. She stopped in front of him, the tension in the air was suffocating. Her eyes shone with unshed tears. She pulled him into a hug. Her action broke the spell and everyone went forward into a group hug, Wade in the middle. 

Wade has never smiled or cried this much in his whole life. After months of recovery and isolation from the outside world, he was finally with his friends, his family. He was finally home. 



Requested by Maxwelllhardin! I loved this, and I hope you enjoyed. The thought of Wade being alive is comforting but the chances of RPE actually making it happen is very slim. Well, I'm not RPE ;)

Anyway! The first chapter of Meridian High is up! I really enjoy writing that story, despite how little time I have to actually work on that, and this. Tell me what you think of it! I probably won't be doing A/Ns on that book, I'll just write them here. And I am really sorry in advance, there will probably be a lot of time in between updates for that and this. I'm taking all honors and AP classes this year and I'll need time to adjust to that workload before being able to have free time to write. I hope you understand. 

The school year hasn't even started yet and I'm already tired of it. I've procrastinated doing the summer work and now I'm rushing to get it all done in like two weeks before school starts, which sounds like a lot of time but it really isn't. Wish me luck. 

Vote, comment, and read the first chapter of Meridian High because why not?


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