Ending It (Requested)

Start from the beginning

"Done!" Their comms turned on as soon as Ostin finished.

"Texas, starting the timer now."

The three of them waited in anticipation as the bomb was activated, quickly followed by a huge blast. Grunts of pain were heard, along with a short scream and a couple yells.

"Send in Grace."

They sighed in relief at Nichelle's command. Ostin quickly instructed Grace's team to move in.

"Are you all okay?" Michael asked. The scream sounded suspiciously like Taylor.

Nichelle spoke up. "Cheerleader got hit with the blast a bit, but she'll be fine. G.I. Joe ran into a nearby guard and now has a frickin machine gun. The Nurse and I are fine."

"Michael, I'm fine." Taylor's voice rang out right before her boyfriend started to panic.

The group of four quickly passed by one of the security cameras. Michael's eyes widened. "You are not fine!"

From the few seconds she was on screen, Taylor had a clear gash on her forehead and new bruises on her arms. She was covered in the most soot out of the group, from the bomb's blast. She was holding onto Abi as they all ran, now having a slight limp.

Jack was now, in fact, carrying a machine gun. He was in the front of the group, checking the halls before they entered. He had a cut lip and looked pretty beat up, probably from fighting the guard. No one worried about him, they all knew the other guy was worse off.

Nichelle stuck behind Abi and Taylor, ready to help if needed. She has improved in sensing electricity, and now used it to watch out for any guards that pop up behind them in the smoke.

"Okay, so Nichelle might have left out a few details." Abi said.

"Don't worry about me. I just need to get to the van and patch up my leg."

Ostin started tracking the group with the security cameras, adding an extra eye out for any threats. They could clearly see Nichelle roll her eyes.

"You should dye your hair blonde for how idiotic that was."

"What happened?" Ian said. Despite the dangerous situation, he couldn't help but smile. Michael was being as overprotective as ever, Taylor was being stubborn, Nichelle was her usual snarky self, and Jack, of course, had to grab a machine gun as a souvenir. Abi was smiling, as well, her thoughts similar to Ian's.

This was their normal, now. And they loved every bit of it. Minus the danger, of course.

"I helped Jack get the gun." Taylor said, followed by a groan of pain.

Abi shook her head with a smile. "She distracted the guard, resulting in her being closer to the bomb than necessary."

Ian stiffened as he noticed something off. He paled, realization hitting him. He missed Michael's outraged 'What?!' at Taylor's actions, and faintly recognized Zeus and Tessa snickering on their end of the comms.


Ostin stopped, and he was hit with the same realization as he went through the security cameras. "There's only ten guards going to the bomb. There are only thirty guards in this entire area!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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