Proposals (Requested)

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"I know we're still young and we have our whole lives ahead of us, but I want to spend it all with you. These last few years have been amazing and I can't help but imagine what it would be like in the future. I love you, and I still can't believe that you love me, but Taylor . . .

"Will you marry me?"

Taylor smiled at the memory. She looked up at her now-husband, who dozed off a while ago. She kissed him on the forehead before snuggling closer. Everything was perfect. 


Ostin was tapping his foot nervously, mentally rehearsing his speech for the millionth time in the past ten minutes. The door to the restaurant opened and he looked up. He gasped. 

McKenna was standing there, looking around in confusion before spotting him in the center table of the room. She was wearing a knee-length navy blue dress and wore minimal makeup. Her curled hair rested softly on her shoulders. 

She blushed at his awestruck face and sat down. "Hey."

He blinked, then smiled. "Hi."

The waiter came up to them and they quickly ordered their drinks. They started talking about trivial things before landing in a comfortable silence. The music was soft and there were a few candles around, really conveying the romantic atmosphere for the night. Although, something was a little off. McKenna spoke up, questioning something she noticed from her entrance. 

"Ostin," she started. "Why are we the only ones here?"

He blushed. "I wanted this night to be special. It's our five year anniversary of officially becoming a couple." He readjusted his glasses nervously. "It seemed romantic at the time, but now that I think about it, it's actually kind of weird. Sorry."

She smiled. "You don't have to apologize. It is kind of romantic." She reached over the table and took his hand in hers. 

The waiter returned with their drinks, and left again after taking their orders. The couple started reminiscing over the past five years, laughing and smiling at the memories. Their food arrived and they fell into another comfortable silence as they ate, McKenna giggling when he was disappointed at the serving size of his dish. 

"This is bologna. You know, the average size of a restaurant dish . . . "

He continued telling her about a survey taken over the past few years, the history of restaurants, and somehow connecting the topic to Ireland. McKenna smiled fondly as he talked. Despite her disinterest on any of the topics, she liked watching him as he rambled. He always perked up whenever he could teach someone about anything, and he used his hands a lot while explaining. After the fall of Hatch, Ostin just started learning more, living up to his description of being a fact sponge. He also started working out, to everyone's surprise. When asked, he started describing the benefits of being physically in shape. Jack stopped him before he could continue, saying "Good for you, bro."

When Ostin finished giving a brief history of the Great Famine, he stopped himself from rambling, remembering his initial reason for the over-the-top romantic setting. McKenna cocked her head to the side questioningly. Hesitatingly, he reached over the table and took both her hands in his. 

"Many people have argued countlessly over how long two people should be in a relationship before taking the next step for the future. Commonly, twenty-five months is agreed to be the least amount of time, whereas the greatest is uncertain. Professionals just say that it's up to the partners to decide when they're ready." He looked up and saw unshed tears in her eyes, hopefully tears of joy. His own eyes were watering as well. 

"And I'm ready. I'm sorry it took me this long, but I am ready to take this step, the one that will change our relationship to something so much sweeter, so much better. I'm ready for the days where I come home exhausted and you're there cheering me up. I'm ready for the days where we just lay in bed and talk without a single care in the world. I'm ready for the day we have our first kid." Choking up, he kneeled down in front of her and pulled out a small box. He opened it, revealing the hand-made ring that he spent weeks perfecting. 

"McKenna, will you marry me?"


Requested by jnhbhhbh2! I know you wanted a one shot of when they're already married, but this just came out. I hope you like it! If you don't, just comment or message me. 

Gahh, proposals are not my strong suit. Neither is writing in general, but I don't mind that. Apparently you guys like it. Thank you for reading :3

Anyway, the first chapter of Meridian High will be up soon. I posted a pic on Instagram (veyniacsunite) of two different covers since I can't decide which one to use. So yeah. That's really it. 


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