I was about to run to him when the Death Eater behind me caught me by the shoulders, dragging me backwards. His fingernails pierced into my shoulders, which hurt, but that couldn't compare to the terror I had for what would possibly happen to Kenneth. My hands were tied with a curse.

'How DARE you?!' I screamed, anger mixed with terror.

'How dare I? I dare.' The Dark Lord laughed and turned to Kenneth. 'Since this is what the ordinary are afraid of- Might as well.' His eyes hardened, and he raised his wand, taking his time. I fingernails dug into my palms, a sticky liquid flowing from my palms.

'Crucio!' The Dark Lord pointed his wand to Kenneth, and a piercing scream escaped me, Kenneth's scream combined with mine. This is the very first time I heard Kenneth scream, and it was excruciatingly painful. My heart went out to him, and it was as if his screams were blunt knives, stabbing my heart over and again with each and every scream. He struggled on the white-tiled floor, and I couldn't take it. This is the love of my life, suffering on the floor, and I could do nothing to help him.

'Stop! Stop right now! You're going to kill him!' I screamed his name repeatedly.The Dark Lord just laughed.

After what seemed like ages, after my voice had turned hoarse and could no longer scream but only whisper, I heard the Dark Lord say, 'Do you want to save him? Be one of us, and I will grant your wish.'

'Yes! Yes! Stop right now!' I said, as loud as I could. I could barely hear my voice.

He lowered his wand, and Kenneth gave a groan and the screams receded. I didn't notice the tears streaming down my cheeks till then. The Death Eater pulled me to the front forcefully, and I was facing the Dark Lord. His long fingers locked under my chin and forced me to look directly at him. 'Insolent child. Bring the brander out!' he ordered. 

I could only look on with terror as the brander was brought towards my arm, my tears still flowing. 

'Wait a moment, my Lord!' I heard my father's voice.

'Isn't it logical that Lirana not to receive the Dark Mark in case she is found? She is meant to be a spy, after all.' I could hear the desperation in his voice.

The Dark Lord contemplated it for a moment before saying, 'You're let off this time, girl. But one wrong move-' he motioned towards Kenneth-' and I shall assure you of his slow and painful death.'

With that, he flung me aside and I hit the cold hard floor. He waved his hand and led all the adult Death Eaters out of the room, leaving Draco, Kenneth and I alone in the room.

'Kenneth. Kenneth.' I scrambled towards him, desperate. I held the sides of his face and the beautiful turquoise eyes looked back at me weakly, while he managed a small smile. 'Lira- I love you.'

That set me off again, sobbing and crying all over again. 'You fool! Do even know how scared I was? I was so afraid!' at that note, I started bawling like a complete baby.

Kenneth's hand held mine, and his other hand wiped the tears off my cheeks. 'Don't cry, Lira, it hurts.' I tried to stifle my sobs, and gave me a small smile, which I was sure looked worse than me crying.'That's better.' he said.

A hand landed on my shoulder and pushed me away gently. 'He's hurt, Lira. He needs healing.' Draco said with a soft voice, but I could see his eyes were red.

I held Kenneth's hand while Draco healed him and my eyes were sore. Kenneth stayed quiet the whole time, but he cringed occasionally.

When Draco was done, we helped him up, as he was almost as fragile as glass, and he let out a small groan of pain. 'Its the only way,' Draco frowned. 'Floo powder is the fastest way we can get back to Hogwarts.


When we finally came to a stop, the green walls of the headmaster's office. It was obviously empty (Snape was with the other Death Eaters). We brought Kenneth to the hospital wing. It was already night (and past curfew), so we needn't worry about the rumours.

'Merlin's beard, what has happened to the both of you?' Madam Pomfrey exclaimed at the sight of Kenneth and I. (Kenneth was terribly hurt, and lets just say I didn't look the best either).

She gave us separate beds and tended to Kenneth before giving me a Sleeping Draught. Draco was told to return to his dormitory, and he left after a worried glance at me. I drowned the vial and Madam Pomfrey went back to he office after making sure we were both alright. 

Before the Sleeping Draught could take over, I got out of bed drowsily and sat in a chair beside Kenneth. He was fast asleep, and my sleepy eyes studied his features. He was peacefully asleep, and I felt relieved and at peace for the first time that day. 

How much I would give to see him smile. How much I would give to see him safe. I kissed his cheek and fell asleep, right in the chair, right next to the love of my life, right where I feel I belong.


Eheheheh much longer than usual. Hope you liked it!

P.S. Read my other two works, Only For You ( Dramione) http://www.wattpad.com/story/3399202-only-for-you-dramione and also Destinied Fate http://www.wattpad.com/story/9356997-destinied-fate .

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