I've been tagged!

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So, as the title suggests, I've been tagged by my friend, Miraculous_Hetalian to do the "Story of my Life" tag. -plays the song- Hah, I don't even like One Direction. Anyway, this is the first tag that I've ever done and I'm sorry that it's late. Also, I am not gonna reveal my real first name or age or birthdate, maybe I'll tell in a later chapter, but right now I'm not. I would also like to say that these are gonna be in random order, not in sequence.

So, at the moment I am over 5ft tall, random bit of information about me.

I have this long scar along my stomach that's about half of the size of my hand. I got it when I was 3 or so when I had to get bowel surgery. I don't remember anything at that stage, one of my first memories was looking at my stomach to see a scar, which at the time was bigger than my hand.

I was also a really fussy baby, it's the main reason why I'm an only child. My parents say that they could get any sleep because me, but most parents don't get sleep from their newborn children, so I don't know if they meant through the the years or just a few months. They also said that I didn't want to drink any milk, which is very ironic because I love milk and milk products.

I discovered the world of YouTube when I was probably just 7 or 8 or maybe even younger because of Smosh. Sometimes when I was younger I would go to my grandparent's house on Fridays and my older boy cousins would be like "Smosh uploaded a new video today" and, we would use my grandpa's laptop to check out their channel and there it was, a new Smosh video. At the time I didn't get the whole "uploading schedules" so I was very shocked. And to this day I still watch the Smosh channel and their other channels.

I believe I am a perfectionist, always correcting people about their grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes. But I'm also a procrastinator so you can see how that plays out.

I play the piano and got lessons until about a year or so ago I quit because I hated my piano teacher. More on that, he said that the lessons would be 45 minutes but it slowly turned into an hour. I talked to my dad about this and he said it was because he wanted me to "learn more" which I think is quite ridiculous because Google exists. My teacher also had this stick that he would hit my finger with if I ever made a mistake. Legit, even the tiniest mistakes or even because my fingers slipped because of the amount of sweat -SMACK- pain has been brought onto my fingers.

On the first day of kindergarten I met BernieFangirl and another girl, and since that day we've all been friends. I also met my other friend, Gargle506. And in 4th grade I became better friends with HeerPineapple knew her before 4th grade but I believe we connected more then. Seriously, out teacher had to move us away from each other because we were talking too much.

And let's cut to middle school, I met my great friends:





and TheLegendaryGirl

And thanks to a party I met one of my good friends, viakki

I would like to thank everyone reading this, my great friends and family. My life is good now, I haven't had any physical or mental disorders, my family's very healthy, I'm getting a good education, and I have good food and water.

I tag anybody who's reading this, if you have already done this tag then you don't have to do it again.

Thanks, and until next time,

Keep joining fandoms. (Should I use that from now on?)


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