Le spoops

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So happy spoopy day my dudes.

It's been pretty dank so far in my house.

I've been lowkey stealing candy for the trick or treaters.

I wanted to go trick or treating but my parents were being lazy again.

And I wanted to go with some friends but I guess I can't anymore.

Also there's a group of popular kids from school next door in the yard.

It's gonna suck.

While looking outside for some trick or treaters I made eye contact with one.

I wanted to die at that point.

Also, today I was supposed to be picked by my grandpa at school.

I waited for like, 30 minutes and he didn't come.

Then I went into the school office to call my dad to see if he could contact my grandpa.

And I waited for so long that I was the only one left in the pickup area.

Some teachers came out and were like, "Oh, you'll be picked up soon!"

And I just stood there like could you please not I'm trying to have an existenTIAL CRISIS RIGHT NOW.

Along with that I kinda cried a little because I was scared of being left alone, so that wasn't fun.

But in the end I was picked up by my grandpa and we went to my grandma and his house.

It was pretty great, I ate a croissant and drank some soda.

At the time of writing this there's multiple groups of kids outside my door screeching to have candy.

Very unlucky to have my house kinda in the middle of the neighborhood.

And I've been very bored.

My mom also wants me to go outside to pass out candy to the kids.

Until next time.


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