chapter 4.

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Derek sighed heavily. He figured this of him. He knew Stiles wouldn't want someone he didn't even know searching him over. So Derek just smiled and nodded, squeezing Stiles' hand, trying to keep the younger boy calm. He started to drive to his house.

Derek cared about Stiles. When they first met, he was introduced to the pack as Scott's friend. But when Scott became infatuated with his new mate Isaac, Stiles would come around; feeling lonely. Soon Stiles became a friend of Dereks. Soon Stiles was Derek's mate. He had yet to mention that to Stiles; too scared for his reaction. He wanted what was best for him. And when he sensed Stiles was in danger, he couldn't control himself. He needed to protect Stiles. He needed to save Stiles. He needed to take care of him.

His thoughts were interrupted by Stiles' panicked voice.

"D-Derek," Stiles managed to get out, before empyting out the contents of his stomach onto Derek's car floor. Derek gasped slightly, pulling over. He rubbed Stiles' back and whispered soothing words, Stiles looked up at him.

"I-I'm sorry.. I really didn't me-" Stiles started, Derek interupted him quickly.

"No Stiles, it's alright. I'll clean it up after we get to my house, don't worry. Just relax, baby."

Stiles nodded slowly and picked up his feet, holding his knees to his chest as Derek began driving again. They were soon at Dereks house, along with the rest of his pack. Derek parked and walked to Stiles side, lifting him up again, not glancing at the mess on his floor. He closed the door with his hip and walked inside slowly, Stiles hid his face as he saw Isaac and Scott cuddled on the couch. Scott turned to the door, Isaac in his arms.

"Stiles?!" Scott yelled, pushing Isaac off gently and running to them. "What happened?!"

Stiles whimpered and tried to hide in Dereks chest, begining to shake slightly. "Scott, please. We'll talk about it later. I need to get him upstairs. Can you clean the mess out of my car?"

Scott gulped and nodded slowly, Iscaac's taller frame appearing behind him. "Go take care of him, we'll take care of things down here." Isaac stated, pulling Scott outside.

Derek looked down at Stiles, his face still pressed to his chest. Derek whispered softly to him, walking upstairs slowly, careful not to drop him.

"We're gonna get you cleaned up, and in some nice, warm clothes, and we're gonna cuddle and you can sleep as long as you want, okay? I won't leave you." Derek whispered, carrying Stiles into the bathroom and setting him down on the counter, he smiled down at Stiles.

"I'll get you a towel and you can wash up. I'll stand right outside the door," Derek said softly. But Stiles only nodded weakly, looking to the ground. Derek laid a towel and wash cloth on Stiles' lap gently, then stepped out the bathroom, standing infront of the door. He heard Stiles shuffle around, then he heard the water turn on.

Derek turned to walk to his bedroom, getting Stiles boxers, sweat pants, and one of his hoodies, and returned to the bathroom, paitently waiting.

Stiles slid down the shower, holding his knees to his chest, letting the burning water wash down his body. His mind was trying to wrap around what happened today. His dad, Derek saving him, Scott actually worried for once.

Suddenly his father's hands were all over him. He couldn't make them stop. Stiles started clawing at his skin, silent sobs escaping his shaking frame. Derek heard Stiles' heart beat pick up rappidly, Derek knocked on the door softly.

"Stiles, you okay?"

"Yea," Stiles managed to get out. He forced himself to stand and turn the water off. He reached out and drapped the towel around his hips, he cleared his throat and wiped his tears away. "C-Clothes?" He asked softly, Derek opened the door slowly and set them on the counter, not looking at Stiles before closing the door.

Stiles put on the clothes quickly, the hoodie extra baggy on him. He took in Derek's scent and closed his eyes breifly. He opened the bathroom door and saw Derek leaning against the wall, he smiled at Stiles.

"Ready to go cuddle?" Derek asked.

Stiles nodded slowly, immeadiately hiding in Derek's side, Derek wrapped his arms around him, leading him to his bedroom. He let Stiles crawl into bed before him, quickly holding the boy to his chest. They laid like that for a few minutes. No words between the two. Stiles, was the one to break the silence.

"How did you know?" He asked timidly, "How did you know I was in trouble? I know I called you, but before.. You knew.."

"I know you. I know when your scared. Your heartbeat."

Stiles gulped slowly, "S-so you know now?" Derek nodded.

"I'm scared, Derek." Stiles said, his voice cracking as a new round of tears began to fall. Derek pulled him back to his chest.

"I will protect you, Genim. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."

That night, Stiles cried himself to sleep, wrapped together with Derek. His body shaking. He was scared. He was vulnerable. But, for once in Stiles' life; He was safe.

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