chapter 3.

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Stiles' eyes widened when the doorknob turned behind his head. He had a split second to decide if he wanted to greet his father or run to his room. He decided on the second option. He started crawling out of the kitchen, so his father wouldn't hear him walking. He was too late. 

"Stiles." His father breathed, stepping in, shutting and locking the door. Stiles gulped, laying face down on the floor. His dad chuckled evilly. "What are you doing, son?" 

Stiles cringed, getting to his feet quickly. He flinched when his father's hand came into contact with his shoulder, his dad smiled. He squeezed Stiles' shoulder, looking his son up and down. "I like that color on you." His dad stated. 

Stiles cringed, glancing down at his orange flannel, adding a mental note to never wear the color again. He gulped. "Thanks, Dad." 

His father raised a brow and cleared his throat. "What did I tell you to call me, Stiles?" 

Stiles looked down. "Thanks.. daddy.." His dad smiled, nodding in approval.  

"Thank you, baby.. Now, go up to my room and wait for me, yes?" His father said, running his knuckles across Stiles' cheekbone.  

Stiles nodded, turning and walking up the stairs to his father's bedroom. He pulled out his phone quickly, scrolling through his contacts. He stopped at one. Sour Wolf. Stiles bit his lip, pressing the call button and held the phone up to his ear. 

One, two, three rings pass. Derek's voice was on the other line. 

"Hello?" He answered, "Stiles?"  

Stiles closed his eyes, already feeling the tears form. His voice broke. "D-Derek.. Please, come get me.. Hurry.." 

Derek's eyes shot opened and he stood from the couch, nodding, though Stiles couldn't see him. "Alright, yeah. I'll come right now. What's wrong?" 

Stiles sniffled. "Just come now, Derek.. Please.." Stiles hung up, slipping the phone into his pocket. Derek raced to his car, driving in the direction of the Stilinski house. 

Stiles laid on his bed, keeping his eyes shut, trying to calm himself. He hoped Derek got here in time. He probably wouldn't. Stiles heard the door open. His dad shut the door softly, stepping closer to the bed. "Pants off. I'm not waiting." Stiles sat up quickly, looking to his father. 

"D-daddy.. Why are you in such a hurry tonight? W-we can take it slow, really.." Stiles mumbled, cringing inside. He had to stall this. His dad grabbed him by the throat, pushing him back onto the bed. 

"You listen to me, Genim. Take your damn pants off, now." His dad hissed, getting close to his face. Stiles shook his head. His dad glared, jerking Stiles' pants down. Stiles whimpered. 

"Shut up, bitch. You didn't listen. You know what happens to bad boys, don't you? They get punished. You will get punished tonight, Genim. You were bad." Stiles nodded slowly, kicking his legs. His dad reached down, pushing Stiles' boxers down, grabbing Stiles' length. Stiles sobbed in protest, kicking his leg. His dad only squeezed harder, holding Stiles down. Stiles pushed against his father's chest. 

"Stop! Please!" Stiles sobbed, his dad smirked. 

Derek drove to Stiles' house. Breaking every law possible. He parked his car, not bothering to turn it off before getting out and running to the door. He cringed when he heard Stiles' screams. He decided common courtesy was out the window. He kicked the door, causing it to swing open, he ran in. 

"Stiles!?" He heard another scream, along with Mr. Stilinski's yells. He ran up the stairs, kicking the door open, his jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. 

Officer Stilinski on top of Stiles, neither wearing pants, Stiles tear stained face trying to hide from Derek's gaze. 

The rest happened so quickly. Derek ripping Mr. Stilinski off of Stiles, pinning him to the ground, allowing his fists to collide with the officer's face repeatedly. He lowered to his ear, venom dripping off of his tone as he spoke. 

"You. Are. Sick. You are the worst possible person on this earth. To do this to your own son; Your own, innocent, son. You are the scum of this earth. Worse. Nothing. You will rot for this. You will never see Stiles again." He punched him once more, causing the older man to go unconscious.  

Derek was seeing in red. The only thing snapping him out of it was a soft whimper from Stiles. He got up quickly, walking slowly to the bed. "Stiles.." He breathed. "It's okay, alright? I'm going to get you out of here. You'll never see him again, okay? I just need you to trust me, baby. I won't let anyone else hurt you. I won't hurt you." Stiles nodded slowly, looking up at Derek. His heart broke when he saw how broken Stiles actually was. He wrapped the blanket around Stiles slowly, lifting him and holding him bridal style. He cradled him to his chest as he walked down the stairs and outside to his car. He smiled slightly when he realized he hadn't turned it off. He opened the door and set Stiles in slowly. He ran over to his side, getting in, he glanced at Stiles, seeing his tears flow heavily. 

"Hey, it's alright.." Derek said, reaching for Stiles' hand, squeezing it gently. "Will you go to the hospital willingly?" Stiles' eyes widened, looking over at Derek. 

"No." He said sternly, looking into Derek's eyes. "No."

Be Good For Papaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें