chapter 2.

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Stiles awoke to the sound of the downstairs door slamming. He rubbed his eyes and turned to look at the clock. 10:48. His dad will be pissed later; he wasn't up to make him breakfast. He heard his phone beep. He picked it up. 28 missed calls, 37 texts, 20 voicemails. All from Scott. 

"Fuck." He whispered to himself. He called him back. He picked up on the first ring. 

"Stiles!" Scott yelled into the phone, making Stiles flinch. "Derek told me you had bruises last night, are you alright!? Why did it take you so long to answer!?"  

Stiles sighed. "I was asleep, Scott. It's Saturday. Why are you up so early?" 

"Don't avoid my question, Stiles." Scott said, more affirmative. "I'm coming to your house and picking you up, okay? We can hang out." 


"On my way now!" He hung up. 

Stiles fell back onto his bed, sighing heavily. He was so sore. He got up and showered quickly, not bothering to grab breakfast. He decided to wait for Scott downstairs. He sat on the couch, clicking on the tv. He wasn't sure what was on, it didn't matter, anyway. Scott was on his way. 

Two hours later, Stiles still sat on the couch, still waiting. He had such an empty feeling inside. Scott had said he was coming, that he was on his way, to be exact. Scott had ignored Stiles before, yeah. But he never stood him up. Ever. Stiles rubbed his eyes and laid down. As soon as his head touched the couch, the door bell rang. He sighed and walked to the door, opening it quickly. 

"You're two hours la-" Stiles stopped. In the doorway stood Derek. "What the fuck? Scott still couldn't show up?" 

Derek closed his eyes momentarily. He looked down at Stiles. "He was on his way. Allison called." 

Stiles rolled his eyes, moving out of the way so Derek could step in. "Why am I not surprised!? He does this all the time!" He didn't realized he had tears coming down. Derek, however. Derek noticed. 

"Hey," Derek said, stepping towards him. Slowly. He didn't want to scare Stiles. He could smell what happened to the boy. He could feel every fear, hear his heartbeat pick up, smell the tears, the torture. "Don't cry. Scott's just being himself, you know that. Scotts a total dick." 

Stiles nodded slowly, wiping his face. "I-I know.. Sorry.."  

Derek shook his head. "Don't be. I came because I thought maybe me and you could have fun? What do you and Scott usually do?" 

Stiles' eyes widened. Derek wanted to do something with him? Was this a prank? Did he just want to make fun of him? Was he going to take him out somewhere then leave? Would he hurt him like his father did? Would he make him uncomfortable? Stiles nodded, though. He was so terrified. "Y-Yeah, that'd be okay.. I just. Don't feel like you have to, alright? Just because I cried over my only friend not showing up, doesn't mean you have to be all good citizen and hang out." 

Derek smiled. He actually smiled. "Scott isn't your only friend, Stiles. I am too. And I want to hang out. Relax." 

Relax. Stiles repeated in his head. Relax is what his father told him to do. He couldn't relax if his life depended on it.  

He started seeing flashes of his father. Hearing his voice. Feeling his fucking hands all over him. Feeling that pain. God, damn that pain. He heard Derek talking, but it was his father's voice. He felt faint. Light. Alone. Always so alone. He felt himself hit the ground. That's when his eyes finally opened. Seeing Derek beside him, on his knees. Watching him. Searching his face. For something. Anything. Stiles looked into his eyes. He realized he was shaking; His hands trembled as he held onto his hoodie. 

"Stiles," Derek said, trying to sound as calm as possible. He took the boys hand in his. Gently. He had to be gentle with him. He was fragile. He was broken. He had to be fixed. "Stiles, look at me. He isn't here. It's only me. Just me. I won't let him hurt you." 

Stiles flinched. Derek couldn't know. He couldn't. He couldn't get involved in this. Derek couldn't get hurt. His father had weapons. Lots of them. So he pulled his hand away. Willing the attack to leave his body. He sat up, wiping the tears off his face that he didn't know were there. He stood up, looking at Derek. 

"Please, leave. Thank you for coming, really. It meant a lot to me. But I need to.. do homework. Tell Scott I forgive him, if you see him. And, thanks again." Stiles said in a rush. Derek knotted his eyebrows, standing up.  

"Stiles, you just.. I don't know what just happened. I can't leave you alone."  

"You can text me. I just need to do homework, Derek. I'm fine. You can come over tomorrow, my dad's going out of town for the day. Please?" 

Derek sighed softly, but nodded. "Okay, fine. But I'm coming as soon as your dad is gone. Call me if you need anything, Stiles." 

Stiles nodded slowly, opening the door for Derek. Derek stepped out. "Goodbye." Stiles whispered. 

"Goodbye, Stiles." Derek said back. Stiles shut the door and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

It hit him. He was alone. Again. And his father was angry with him. He felt the tears start. He could have had someone save him. But he pushed the only person who wanted to help out. Stiles slid down the door, his hand over his mouth as his tears became sobs. He wished Derek would have heard him. Would come back to save him. But Stiles wasn't that lucky. Stiles will never be that lucky.

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