Gravity Falls chapter 8

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(Play song now if chu feel like it.) Huh? What the heck? Why do I feel like I'm being held? And why does my head hurt so much? I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. Bill was holding me gently and was staring at me with concern. I felt my face heat up. "You ok?" he asked. I nodded even though I was still confused about what happened. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and saw c/n and the turtle in orange standing across the clearing. I watched them as they laughed hysterically about something. I narrowed my eyes. Don't do it I thought menacingly. They put their arms around each other for support as they continued to laugh uncontrollably. SNAP. Pure anger consumed my mind. I jumped out of bill's arms and dashed towards them with my katana's. He just stood there dumbstruck as I continued running. Suddenly there was flash of light and i was trapped in yellow bubble floating a few inches off the ground. "BILL I SWEAR.....IF YOU DON'T LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW YOU'LL FEEL THE WRATH OF MY KATANA LATER!!" I yelled through the bubble while banging my fists on it. I HAVE TO GET TO C/N I thought. "Sorry doll, no can do!" he said, a smirk playing on his lips. He snapped his fingers and trapped the turtles in red and blue in similar bubbles before walking off. Probably to go see about the rest of the gang I thought. I felt someone watching me and turned around. It was the red-clad turtle. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT" I said, venom dripping from my words. He shrugged and took out his weapons and started stabbing his bubble with them. I heard a thump and looked in the opposite direction. The turtle in blue was sprawled on the ground with a light pink dusted across his face as the girl from earlier stood over him with a triumphant smile on her face. She tossed a branch to him and he popped the hot-headed turtles bubble. The two of them ran off in the direction bill went. For some reason, I couldn't hold in my grief anymore. I hugged my knees and started crying. I heard a tapping on the bubble and looked up with a few tears still falling down my face. The girl pointed to the stick and then to my bubble. I wiped my tears as she started hitting the bubble with the stick. As she continued trying to break the bubble, I got a better look at her. She had short/long hair that was h/c. She had s/c and big/small e/c eyes. Why was she helping me? I thought. She hit the bubble one last time and it finally popped. I fell to the ground and looked up at her. She smiled warmly and held her hand out to me. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Oh come on now, I don't bite!" she said and grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me off the ground. She smiled again and put her hands on her hips. "Well?" she said while looking at me. "Yeah yeah whatever thanks" I said while avoiding eye contact. "Soooo are we like, cool now?" she asked. I sighed in annoyance. "Yes, I guess we' now" I said and shook her hand. What about them she said as she pointed to the turtles in purple, blue, and red fighting tad, bill, and dipper. Mabel, c/n, and the turtle in orange were no where to be seen.

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