Gravity Falls chapter 5

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"Mabel? C/n? You guys alright"? I asked. "Y-yea we're alright" mabel said a bit shakily. "Come on" I said as I helped them up as the three of us felt our way through the darkness. We made our way to the door and walked to the top of the stairs. While we slowly made our way downstairs, we collided with three frantic boys running up the stairs. Cue very painful tumble of all six of us down the stairs. "Ughhhhh my aching head" I groaned as I opened my eyes, revealing Bill had fallen on top of me. "Ummm Bill?" "Yea n/n?" "Mind getting off me?" "Please?" "What if I don't?" I glared at him as I pushed him off me and stood up. "So what's going on?" I asked as I helped dipper and c/n off the ground. "We still don't know" tad said pulling up mabel and bill from the ground. All we know is that whatever happened is gonna happen again and real soon." "Hmmm....I say we split up and try to find out what really happened" dipper said. "Well you guys can figure it out without us because while we appreciate your help we really have to get home" I said. At the mention of the word "home" c/n grimaced. She shook her head in disagreement and crossed her arms. "What?" I asked in annoyance. "I don't want to go back to the tree house" she said quietly. "Wait you guys live in a tree house?!" "Where are your parents then?" mabel asked. "That, my friend, is a story for another day" I said sarcastically. "Well, you guys could always stay here...I'm sure Stan wouldn't mind" mabel said while smiling like crazy. Before I could say no, c/n shot me the scariest glare in the history of glares. "Oooookay fine but only because one I'm scared c/n's glare is gonna kill me and two because it's pouring rain and the house is probably unstable" I said. "But I still need to go and get some of our stuff from the house" I said while pulling open the front door and stepping out into the pouring rain. "Okay great! It'll be like a permanent sleepover!!!" mabel said. "Me, tad, and c/n will go fix up the room and dipper and bill shall accompany you on your quest!" mabel playfully said. I rolled my eyes and walked out into the forest, dipper and bill close behind.

By the way here's the key:

Y/n=your name
C/n=cousin's name

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