Gravity Falls chapter 7

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"Y/N FOR CHRIST'S SAKE WAKE UP!!! I could hear bill yelling at me to wake up and shaking me. Then he suddenly stopped and I heard c/n's voice. "Bill? Are you sure this is a good idea?" she said with a hint of worry in her voice. "Absolutely." And the next thing I know I feel cold water being dumped on my face. "OKAY! OKAY I'M UP! GEEZ!" I yelled while wiping my face off. Bill chuckled nervously "Sorry! You wouldn't wake up so I just resulted to the next best option and-" bill got cut off by mabel. "Y/N YOU'RE OKAY!!" mabel yelled and she, dipper, tad, and c/n tackle-hugged you. "Guys.......i can't....i....can't....breathe" you say in a slow and raspy voice. They let go and looked at you with apoplectic looks on their faces before the six of you threw your heads back and started laughing with relief. The laughing didn't last soon, though. "Ugh my head....where are we anyways?".....a voice broke your laughter and by the sound of it, coming from the bushes on your right. The six of you immediately stood up and faced the bushes. You pulled out one of your katana's and gripped it tightly. Bill and Tad had purple and yellow fireballs forming in their hands. C/n gripped a tree branch menacingly, dipper had some pretty big rocks in a pile next to him, and mabel? Mabel had her grappling hook and her pockets stuffed full of glitter. "COME OUT WHERE I- WE CAN SEE YOU OR ELSE!!" I shouted. I heard someone reluctantly sigh and footsteps walking towards us before they suddenly stopped. "Wait a minute? We're just gonna waltz out into the open like this?!" a angry voice said. "What choice do we have raph?! We have no idea where we are or how we got here! These people might be able to help us somehow."Umm guys? I think that maybe we should trust leo on this guys. He did basically save our a way" a girl's voice said. "Fine, whatever!" the angry voice said again. The footsteps continued walking towards you guys. Then THEY came out of the bushes. "Whoa" you breathed out. Four mutant humanoid turtles?! And a girl. She had h/c h/l and big/small e/c eyes that stared at you six in wonder and fear. The staring contest went on for a while until the one in blue cleared his throat. " you know where we are? We would really appreciate if you could help us out" he asked looking at you and taking a small step towards you. (Play song now if chu feel like it) That's all it took for bill to snap and throw one of his fireballs, barely missing the turtle. The blue one glared and took out his katana's and ran towards bill. The red one took out his weapons and charged at you since you were the closest. You jumped up into a nearby tree before he could hit you. He cursed to himself under his breath and began to climb up after you. Before he got to where you where perched, you saw the one in purple and dipper fighting, mabel and c/n fighting the orange one, and the girl dodging all of tad's attacks surprisingly well. As you watched from the tree branch, you forgot about the turtle in red until he pushed you off the branch which was sorta high up. Your body hit the ground with a thump and you groaned in pain while clutching your side. You felt your side and realized that it was covered in blood. The hot-headed turtle jumped down and landed next to you with a triumphant smirk plastered on his face. You steadily stood up and put up your fists. "HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER!" bill yelled while chucking a fireball in the direction of the red-clad turtle. His smirk turned into a frown as he started to run towards bill, but you stuck your foot out, tripping him. You swiftly knocked his weapons out of his hands with your katana. He growled and started throwing punches at you, which you dodged with ease. In your opinion, you were doing quite well. That is, until he threw a smoke bomb down and drop-kicked you while the smoke was still too thick for you to see anything. Your katana fell to the ground as you hit your head on the tree and stumbled around a bit before falling unconscious.

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