We got our luggage right before everyone crowded around the carousel looking for their bags. Thankfully Key's suitcase was easy to spot since the print is of the British flag. I made sure to put a charm on my suitcases to make it easier for me to find them.

"I called someone ahead of time to pick us up." Key spoke as he looked down at the phone in his right hand. I nodded at his words. "We have to go through the back though."

"Wait, what?" I said but was ignored by the super star as he turned away from me, put on sunglasses, a surgical mask and walked away from the crowed room.

I quickly grabbed my things and followed him. His eyes stayed glued to his phone. Was he so use to being in this airport that he doesn't need to look where he's going to know he's going the right way? This place is  gigantic, I feel lost already even though Key is leading the way.

"Don't fall behind, you're like a turtle, how can someone walk so slow?" Key spoke as he stopped to wait for me. He walks fast, I can't help it if I can barley keep up. I'm carrying a lot of things and my legs are short.

I speed walked towards him as he tapped his foot to show how annoyed he was with me.

"I'm sorry." I said once I was next to him.

"Stop saying sorry, it's annoying." He said and rolled his eyes. "Just keep up before I put you on a leash."

I nodded and made sure I stuck to him like gum. We made it through the airport and arrived at the back. A black SUV was parked near the back door as if it tried to blend in with the gray wall. The driver door opened and a person walked out. They walked freely over to us with a baggy shirt and baggy shorts stopping right above their knee. A red fringe seemed to have escaped from under their hat and hungover their sunglasses.

"My boo! I haven't seen you in forever!" They spoke in English with a huge smile across their face and arms opened wide.

"I know! How are the rest of the girls?" Key replied and hugged the mysterious person.

"Good, Luna says she misses you a lot."

"As expected."

I let them carry on their reunion conversation and slowly moved away towards the car. Nothing is more awkward than being a 3rd wheel.

"Oh, is this who you were talking about?" The person said and pointed over at me making me freeze in my place.

"Yeah." Is all Key replied back.

He told this person about me? But how much about me did he really reveal?

"It's nice to finally meet Key's girlfriend, I'll be your shofer today, my name is Amber." The mysterious person said and bowed.

"Um..I'm Rei." I said and awkwardly gave a small bow.

"I like her, she's funny." Amber said looking over at Key.

"Yeah, spend more time around her, everything she does is entertaining." Key said and walked over to the car putting his stuff in the back.

"Will do. Shall we leave now?" Amber asked me guiding me to the door. She helped me put my things in the back and got inside the car.

"Just to your apartment, right?" Amber asked as I buckled my seatbelt. I was the only one in the back since Key decided to sit in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, my children must be missing me so much." Key wiped away a fake tear.

"Children!?" I yelled.


"Thanks again for helping me, Amber." Key said as he took down his luggage from the car.

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