Curse in disguise (31)

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I removed the knives that I had stuck in his body, one by one, listening to his groans and painful cries. I walked to the table and picked up a white flannel, and I started cleaning my knives, watching the blood shining along the blade's metal. A true work of art. Yes, a true work of art. After cleaning, I put them back in their place. The man was screaming, cussing me and saying things that I couldn't care less. I normally filtered what the bastards told me; they couldn't mess with my mind, they can't get inside my head, it would be tragic.

-I'll be very honest with you.

I drank the rest of the Whiskey and poured myself another dose. I went to the cabinet that was there and grabbed my Polaroid. I sat on the chair that was beside the table, facing the criminal. His wounds were bleeding incessantly, I wanted to laugh.

-My dear, you'll have the most painful death that I've ever planned. We are going to play so much...

I put my glass of Whiskey on the floor and positioned the Polaroid. I inhaled deeply and held my breath. I pressed the button on my little toy and promptly the photo came out from it. I got up and walked towards him, inching as close as possible.

-Look at this, you look so handsome. Do you think my deputy will like it?

-You bitch! Get me out of here! I'm going to kill you!

-Let's be realistic, you won't. – I said laughing.

I put the photo and the Polaroid on the table, to then pick up my glass of Whiskey, I took another sip, feeling my throat burning. I was already getting drunk, it was time to stop. I couldn't mess anything up.

-I can't drink anymore today, do you want a little? Maybe it will help with the pain.

I walked back to Brow and poured the drink on the wound in his leg, the man howled in pain. Would I be a terrible person if I was enjoying those screams more than anything in life?

-Just get this over with. Please. – he begged, and how good it was to hear that.

-Okay then. Tell you what, are you seeing my tool wall over there? – I asked as I pointed to my lovely paraphernalia, this will be at least curious – I'll get this over with, and lucky for you, you can choose your instruments of torture!

-You are sick! – he said with a weak and hoarse voice, and I laughed.

-Yes, I am. Come on! Chop chop! Or I'll choose my favorites, and I don't think you'll like it.

I turned around and went to my babies.

-Pick one for torture and another, let's say, more lethal.

The man was looking at the instruments nervously and shaking his head.

-Come on! I'm in a hurry now.

-I will not choose, you can't do this!

-Oh yes, I can. I can and I will. But, since you're shy, let me give you a little push.

I analyzed my toys excitedly and picked up a portable gas blowtorch. I tested the flame and saw Brow's face become even paler, if that was possible.

-Do you know what this is? – I asked, passing the object from one hand to the other in front of him – Well, it will burn good part of your skin and then I'll remove it with tweezers. You'll feel so much pain!

I made a brief pause and smiled sadistically at him.

-Then I'll see with what I'll end the servi...

-OK, OK! I'LL CHOOSE! – the poor man shouted – I'll choose.

-Good boy! Go on, choose two. – I smiled cynically, putting the blowtorch back in its place.

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