Chapter 21

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•Ashley p.o.v•

I. Am. Losing. My. Mind.

Cams over my house right now, and I have butterfly's in my stomach.

Why, just why?

It seems like since Zac came Ito my life, I have been surrounded by hot men that I end up falling for.

Honestly, I just wish that I never met Zac and Todd was still my boyfriend.

"Ashley?" cam asked.

"Ya?" I was spacing out for a good 2 minutes.

"What is it?" he asked. we were doing are science homework.

"What are you talking about?" I was so confused.

"What is the answer to number 6? I asked you like 4 times." he said.

"Oh... sorry. um, I got letter a." I looked down at my paper to make sure it really was a. thank god our homework was multiple choice.

Cam smiled. oh his smile. it just made me feel all warm inside. "thanks" he said, still smiling.

I swallowed the saliva that was building up in n mouth. cam was making me nervous.

"Why are you smiling at me?" I asked. even though he is very attractive, it kinda creeped me out.

"I don't know. it's funny scarring you." he said,laughing a little.

"Hahaha." I fake laughed. I couldn't help but smile. Cameron was so charming.

Cams phone started to ring, so he answered it.

After he got of the phone he packed up his things and said, "I have to go. my mom wants me home for dinner. see you tomorrow."

Cam hugged me and left.

After he left the butterfly's that were in my stomach not even 5 minutes ago were gone; it felt like the left when Cam did.

I looked at my clock. 6:30. It was staring to get dark out, because it was fall, so I decidedly just out my homework away and watch some tv.

** one hour later **

I heard something hitting my bedroom window. I fell a sleep when I was watching tv, and this sound woke me up.

I walked over to my window, rubbed my eyes because I just woke up, and looked out to see what was causing the noise.

I looked down and saw Zac. I opened the window.

"What are you doing?" I yelled down to him.

"Can we talk?!" he yelled up.

"Go to the front door." I said back to him before running down stairs to let Zac in.

Zac was at the front door when I got there.

"You're a fast runner." I told him with a smile.

He walked into my house without saying a word.

When we got I to my room I looked at my clock. 2:30 in the morning. great.

"What are you doing at my house at 2:30?" I asked Zac. I should be sleeping right now. it was Friday and I honestly just wanted to sleep so that I didn't sleep all day on saturday.

"I miss you." He said walking towards me.

I just stood there, looking at zac.

He walked closer to me.

"If you don't like me anymore I will understand." he said.

"It's not that I don't like you, I'm just still a little confused as to who I have feelings for." I replied softly.

Zac put the hair that was in my face behind my ear and moved closer to me; so close that We were touching foreheads.

"Maybe this will help you make up your mind." Zac said in a whisper.

Zac and eye were making direct eye contact. he looked at my lips and then back at my eyes. then he kissed me.

this kiss was like no other kiss I have shared with Zac before. It was full of passion. I felt all the love, anger, and sadness that Zac felt. it was like he was trying to tell me how much he cared and loved me.

I broke the kiss.

"Zac." I said before he kissed me again.

Now I was even more confused. this kiss made me like Zac more when I thought I didn't like him anymore.

All my life was filled with was confusion and love.

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