Chapter 13

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•Zac's p.o.v•

It was Friday, and I haven't talked to Ashley once since we made out in her room on sunday.

I was still confused though. Did Ashley like me or todd?

The bell rang for the end of school. all you saw was a bunch of teenagers run out of class and to their lockers to leave his hell hole of a school.

I saw Ashley by her locker. I walked up to her.

"Ashley." I said she turned her head.

"Oh.. Umm hi zac." She said putting her back pack on and walking towards the front of the school, I just walked with her.

We were outside now By her car.

"Did you need to talk?" she Asked me.

"Ya" I said putting my hands in my pockets. "I just want to let you know that I like you, a lot. But you're Todd's and I am not going to sneak around with you behind his back." I said.

"I know. It's not fair to todd. it's not going to happen again." she smiled at me.

"I almost forgot to say, Happy Birthday Ashley."

"Thanks." she said smiling. "Want to come over, you know, as a friend?"

"I'd love to." We both laughed.

** 10 min later**

Ashley and I were waiting outside of her front door.

"Here I forgot to give you this." I said pulling out her birthday present from my back pack.

"Zac, you didn't have to." she said.

"I know, but I wanted to. here, take it." I said putting the gift into her hand.

She looked at the silver rapping of the little red box. she opened it up and gasped.

"Zac.." was all she said. "it's beautiful. Thank you."

""Want me to put it on for you?" I said grabbing the silver necklace that sai love that I got Ashley a couple of days ago for her birthday.

After I put it on, she smiled and hugged me.

"I want to kiss you so bad." I whispered in her ear.

She pulled away an looked at me. "me to,but were just friends."

She opened up the door and we walked inside. We just looked at each other and forgot all that we said out side about being friends because we did what we said we wouldn't do. we kissed, again.


We broke the kiss to see Mackenzie, Todd, a couple more of Ashley's friends, and he parents looking at us.

Everybody just saw Ashley an I kiss at her surprise party.

Great, just great.

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