Chapter XVII - And Ever (Now) Final Part 2

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A/N: This is it.
For real.
I'm a mess.

***Leaving Oliver's Graduation

"This is so much fun, Ollie." Harry's smile couldn't have been any bigger. Because he was with his Ollie. In his car. On his high school graduation day. And they were on their way to have dinner with their best friends.

"It really is, Dad." Oliver smiled and laid his cap and gown in the backseat. Then he started the car. "Should we put the top down?"

Harry and Oliver looked at each other. And they both started laughing. Because they knew their hair would be a mess.

As Oliver drove out of his high school's parking lot for the last time, he had an idea. And he knew they had just enough time. So he made a detour.

After a few minutes, Harry looked out his window. "Is this the way to the restaurant, Ollie?"

"Oh, I'm taking a shortcut." Oliver smiled and continued to drive to the mystery destination.

"Okay, Ollie." Harry nodded. Because he trusted his Ollie.

Oliver pulled into the parking lot of Baskin Robbins and parked right in front. "Would you like to get some chocolate ice cream with me, Dad?"

"I would love to Ollie Pop." Harry was so excited! Because they were going to have chocolate ice cream. Like they did when his Ollie was little. Because his Ollie loved chocolate ice cream. Just like him.

So Harry and Oliver walked into the ice cream shop. And Oliver paid with the money he earned from his part-time job. With a smile on his face.

Then, Harry and Oliver sat down at a table and ate their chocolate ice cream. Together.

Meanwhile, Hannah, Darcy and Micaela went straight to the restaurant to set up a few decorations.

It was a quarter after 6:00PM when Harry and Oliver walked into El Pablo's Mexican Cantina, Oliver's favorite restaurant. And the seating hostess showed them to the reserved room.

"Hi, Hannah!" Harry smiled and walked up to his Hannah. And he hugged her. Because he missed her so much. "I love you, Hannah."

"Hi, my love." Hannah kissed her Harry. "I love you, Harry."

"Guess what, Hannah." Harry grinned because he knew his Hannah would never guess in a million years.

"What, my love?" Hannah smiled fondly at her Harry, inconspicuously wiping a smudge of chocolate ice cream from his chin.

"Ollie and I got ice cream."

"You did?" Hannah smiled as she looked into his sparkling green eyes. "What kind?"

"Chocolate. Because it's our Ollie's favourite. And mine too."

"That's great, my love. Oh, I almost forgot." Hannah walked over to the table and got something out of the grocery bag. Then she walked back over to her Harry.

"Harry, could you open this table decoration for me, please? I couldn't open it."

"Of course, Hannah." Harry took it and noticed it was stapled closed. He was so glad his Hannah asked him to open it. Because he didn't want her to get hurt. He carefully tore off the cardboard top. And he opened the bag for his Hannah. "Here you go."

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