Chapter XII - Happy (Then)

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1st: This is the last (Then) chapter so there are two Timeline Jumps in here. The last few chapters of this book will be (Now).

2nd: I love my readers, voters and commenters! You all are the best ever!!! Okay. I'll shut up now so you can read.

It was a big day for Harry. The biggest ever. He finally graduated from college! He was so happy his mum, sister and best friends were there.

When Harry walked across the stage, he heard eight voices that rose above everyone else's. And he laughed when he heard Zayn whistle and call out a very loud "Way t' go, H!"

After a celebratory lunch, Harry's mum and sister went to their hotel room so he could spend time with his best friends.

What Harry didn't know, was that the group planned something for him.

"Okay, guys. We're here!" Liam parked his SUV and clicked the doors unlocked. He was proud. He saved up enough money to buy a 'new to him' vehicle.

"What are we doing at your apartment?" Harry looked at the building then at his best friends. "I thought you were going to drop me off at the hotel. Because my mum and sis are there."

"Well, H. We've go' another surprise for you." Zayn smiled and raised his arms. "We're having a sleepover! And Lou and Daph are coming too."

"No way! Really?" Harry couldn't believe it! He loved sleeping over at Hannah's. And Niall, Liam and Zayn's. And Louis and Daphy Duck would be there too. He just graduated from college, had a really good lunch and now a sleepover? He was having a great day.

"Yes, really." Hannah patted Harry's shoulder. "It's part of your celebration."

Harry smiled so big it kind of hurt. But he didn't mind. He was going to have a sleepover with his best friends. On his graduation day.

So they all got out of Liam's SUV and made their way to the apartment building. And Daphne and Louis were waiting for them at the front doors.

Then all the best friends walked into the small apartment.

"Okay, make yourselves comfortable, everybody." Hannah shut the door and hung her keys on the hook. "I'll be right back. Daph, will you help me?"

"Of course, Hanny." Daphne pecked Louis' cheek and followed Hannah down the hall.

"Hey, H. Do you want to take off your cap and gown now?" Zayn held a coat hanger and did a funny dance with it. "So it doesn't get wrinkled?"

"Yes. That's a good idea, Zayn." Harry unzipped his gown and took of his cap. He smiled because he remembered walking the stage when he graduated from college. "Thank you. I'll leave my cap on the coffee table."

"Okay. I'll hang this up in the coat closet." Zayn was proud of his best friend. He knew Harry struggled his senior year. Because he studied with him in the library countless times. But he would do it all over again to see his best friend graduate.

Harry sat down in the middle of the couch. He was in such a good mood. He didn't think the day could've been any better!

Liam and Louis politely argued over what tunes they should play while Zayn got the sodas.

"Just pick a CD already! God! It doesn't matter." Niall looked up from his iPhone. He didn't see the need to have some ridiculous graduation party. It wasn't like Harry did all the work himself because he asked everyone in their group at one time or another for help.

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