Character Questions

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A/N: This is my first-ever Character Questions!
Yay! 🎉🎈

You can ask your questions for any character by commenting below.

I'll tag your username and type question and I'll answer in that character.
This is your chance to hear it from their perspective.

I love my readers, commenters and voters!

The Main Cast in Alpha Order:

Now, let's have some fun!
From: Lucy8404
Q: (To Hannah) "Did you ever allow yourself to imagine what a life with Harry would be like during your marriage to Niall?"
A: Hi, Lucy! The shortest answer I can give you is no. I was a faithful wife to Mr. Horan in both my actions and thoughts. I had to be because of my family's marriage contact with the Horan's.

However, when I first met my Harry, I thought he was the sweetest boy. And when we became friends, and eventually best friends, I couldn't trust my heart to think of "what a life with Harry would be like." My Harry was, and still is, my soulmate; I just couldn't admit it at the time.

Thank you for your question, Lucy. I should get going. My Harry will be home for dinner any minute now. Xo.

From: HarrysHighNote
Q: (To Louis) "Has Ollie asked you permission to marry Emma yet?"
A: Hello there, High Note! Funny you should ask because I just hung up with the lad. He asked if we could meet tomorrow. And he addressed me as Mr. Tomlinson. The only other time he has called me that was when he asked my permission to court my Emma. I have a feeling we'll be planning a wedding pretty soon.

From: HarrysHighNote
Q: (To Niall) "And for dear Niall, how's your butthole been since you went to jail?"
A: Sore. I earned the nickname Pot o' Gold. I can't even look at me Lucky Charms anymore.

From: newtlover17
Q: (To Author) "What was the name that Niall called Harry?"
A: I purposely didn't write it out so I wouldn't offend anyone (and I still won't write it out all the way.) It's derogatory, insensitive and just plain mean. But...Niall called Harry a re*ard. Sad, but our Harry was the hero and got the girl in the end. Thanks for reading and wondering!

From: ellen_eml
Q: (To Niall) "Why are you such a prick?"
A: Oh, I don't know. Guess I have nothing better to do, but thanks for the nickname! I like it better than Pot o' Gold.

From: ellen_eml
Q: (To Harry) "How did you get to be so adorable?"
A: Hi! I'm not adorable, but thank you for the compliment. Guess what I'm doing right this second? I'm eating chocolate ice cream with my Hannah, Ollie, Darcy and Micaela. I would offer you some, but you're not here, sadly. My Hannah is sitting next to me. I love her so much. Okay, bye!

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