the unwelcome vampires

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Alpha looked over at Bella, a wild fear present in the girls eyes. Bella was terrified, and usually alpha would say something about her being pathetic, but not this time. Bella should be terrified. Alpha hurried over to where Edward and Bella stood, trying to help cover her scent.

She waved her hands producing a black mist in her hands.

" it's for the monsters, it's a gift. It can cover or change scents, I'm hoping it makes you smell like one of them "

Edward nodded at her gratefully, as much as the goddess didn't like the girl, she couldn't just do nothing. The family moved to stand close together and avoid suspicion.

Somehow, alpha and jasper ended up together. Of course they did, the world seemed to have something against her. Or maybe it was just Aphrodite messing with her life. She honestly wouldn't be surprised.

Aphrodite, a more well known goddess, the goddess of love and beauty. Once while visiting Olympus, Alpha set a pack of hellhounds on the older goddess simply because Aphrodite annoyed her. Clearly, that didn't go down well. While Aphrodite was over it now, she always tried to meddle with her live life.

Jaspers hand found hers, and alpha sucked in a deep breath of air. Jasper smirked at her slight gasp, and smiled to himself. At least she hadn't pulled away. The three vampires quickly approached. At the last minute alpha decided to try to fit in a little more and changed her eyes red, even though everyone else's were gold.

" I believe this belongs to you "

The vampire in the middle of the three states, throwing the ball to Carlisle lightly. He had vibrant red eyes and dreadlocks, his skin was dark unlike the other two who had extremely pale skin.

" I'm Laurent, and this is James and Victoria "

The women was strikingly beautiful, just like like all vampires, alpha supposed. Her hair was extremely curly, and a sort of strawberry blonde colour. The man wasn't attractive, in vampire terms. His hair was blonde and longish, a slight stubble on his cheeks. Something about him gave her a bad feeling.

Quickly the shadows whispered in her ears, telling her of all the horrible things he had done. Her red eyes widened with shock and she held Jaspers hand tighter. He looked down at her, concern all of his face. Alphas hand had grown tight, and was kind of sweaty. Her eyes were wide with fear, or anticipation. Something was wrong, she knew something.

" I'm Carlisle and this is my family "

Carlisle gestured over to the group of supernaturals, and Bella. James stared at Bella, intrigued by something unknown. She seemed human, but her scent was unknown to him.

" I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us "

" Our apologies, we didn't realise the territory had been claimed "

A few more words were spoken between Carlisle and Laurent. Alpha stared at James, his mentality scared her. He was the kind of vampire to adore and bow to his goddess, even if she wasn't in action anymore. He would be the kind to take every word literally.

" could you use three more players? "

At the vampires words, her head snapped up to jasper. He looked down at her in confusion, something was terribly wrong. Jasper leant down and pressed and lingering kiss to her forehead in a rash attempt to comfort her. It was gentle, and once his lips were gone she seemed to miss their presence. At this moment, Alice chose to look over at the two, a light frown on her face. The frown had nothing to do with jasper and alpha but Alpha was still under the impression that Jasper and Alice were a thing.

Looking over at Alice, a surge of guilt rushed through her. Alpha pulled her hand away from jasper and distanced herself from the vampire. Jaspers eyes closed, in an annoyed way. Why had he kissed her? Even if it was just on the forehead. Of course that would creep her out, he was so stupid. It wasn't like they were even remotely close, she spent every moment of every day with Edward, and if he wasn't around then with Rosalie. Or Alice, but recently Alpha had been distancing herself from Alice as well.

At this time, Edward was also involved. He read her thoughts to try and gain some knowledge on the situation, but stumbled across her thoughts of jasper and Alice instead. A small smile tugged at his lips, despite the situation. Alpha really thought that Jasper and Alice had something going on? He would need to talk to her later.

After what seemed like forever, but was really only seconds, that everything has happened in, Carlisle responded.

" sure, why not? Three of us were leaving so you could take their place "

The vampires spoke about who would play first, and Victoria's 'wicked curve ball'. During the moment, Edward and Bella took their leave, alpha turning as well to accompany them to the house.

Alpha watched in horror as the wind blew Bella's hair slightly, revealing the back of her neck. James spring forward, driven by the beautiful smell of Bella's blood. He had never smelt something so amazing in his existence, and he intended to get a taste.

" You brought a snack "

The whole family surged forward, fangs out and any pleasantries gone. Alpha stood in front of Bella slightly, protecting her and trying to block her scent, as to not drive the vampire over the edge.

The vampires retreated, Laurent practically dragging James away. Everyone ran to the cars, trying to get home as quickly as possible. Emmett ran in to the forest so that he could get home quickly, while Alpha sprung up in to the sky. Midair her wings unfurled and she was off, flying in to the distance.

As the cars pulled in to the garage at the Cullen household, only Bella and Edward were missing. Alpha was quickly informed that they were at Bella's home, trying to ensure her fathers safety.

In this world nothing is ever certain, much less safety. This so something Bella ought to learn, or she will soon find her world crumbling.

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