the arms wrapped around her waist

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Alpha awoke on a small bed, in a very familiar room. Sitting up, she found that no one else was in the room, and that she was alone. The room was dimly lit, she assumed that Edward had left it like that for when she woke.

The window was wide open, making a light breeze drift through the the room. Thoughts raced through her head giving her a headache. She didn't know what she was thinking but at the time it seemed like a good idea.

Alpha slipped through the door as silently as she could, hoping that the vampires wouldn't hear her. Walking down the hall she asked the shadows which room she needed to go to.

Opening another door and slipping through she caught a figure sitting in a seat reading. Jaspers head whipped around as soon as the door was opened. She smiled weakly at him as he closed the book and stood slowly.

Upon reaching jasper her arms embraced him and held on to him as though he was her life line, of course, jasper didn't care. All that mattered to him was making sure she was ok.

Together, they laid on his couch. His arms encircled her waist and he tried to lend her a little warmth, even though his skin was cold to the touch. Alpha calmed down in his arms, knowing he would keep the nightmares away, and so she fell asleep to the sound of Jasper whispering in her ear.


Alpha woke again in the late morning of the day due to whispers that filled the room. Her first thought was that the shadows were revealing themselves, but that was ridiculous. They didn't show themselves to anyone but her, and if they needed her they would wait till she was alone.

Still with her eyes closed she tried to figure out who or what the voices were. A voice sounded from next to her ear trying to make the others be quiet.

She became oddly aware of the arms wrapped around her waist.

Alpha snapped her eyes open to see the family smiling at them. All of the family. Emmett made kissing faces at her, while Rosalie tried to make him stop. Alice made a variety of noises which she assumed meant that she thought they were cute. Edward stood to the side with a knowing smile on his face, after all, he had been pushing her to get to know jasper more. Lastly was Carlisle and Esme, both with large smiles resting on the elegant faces. Everyone looked genuinely happy, which made her smile.

Not much could make her smile these days.

" If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to have a word with you in my office, Alpha "

The words were spoken carefully by Carlisle, a serious expression overtaking his face. Jaspers own reflected pure concern for the girl, as did Edwards. The two had grown to care for the girl majorly, as had the rest of the family.

" Of course Carlisle "

The young goddess spoke, fear running through her. She racked her brain for anything she may of done to anger him, but she could think of nothing. Maybe he wanted to talk about her relationship with jasper, even though they didn't have one.

The two moved swiftly through the house, trying to avoid unnecessary noises. Alpha expertly avoided all creaky floorboards, or spots in the stairs that made odd echoing sounds.

Carlisle's office door loomed ahead, striking fear in her heart once more. Would he send her away? Would she be truly alone again? The door swung open without a sound and the two stepped inside its safety.

" I need to discuss something that Edward saw"

Alpha furrows her eyebrows in confusion. What could Edward have seen that would concern Carlisle?

" He says that he saw you not only talking to a wolf, but you transformed in a way. You grew wings "

Alpha widened her eyes. She wasn't ready for this. She couldn't do this now. Once they knew who she was they would make her leave. They would fear her or her power over their kind. They would make her leave, just like everyone else had.

Alphas breathing became erratic. She tried to calm herself but nothing would work, she couldn't breathe. Some goddess she was, she was having a panic attack. Her vision began to blur as lack of air to her lungs made her dizzy. The world began to spin and she could only just make out Carlisle yelling in the background.

The door opened with force and jasper ran in. He took her in his arms and tried to calm her down, little did he know all he had to do was hold her. It was just something about him. His presence could calm her, without him using his abilities.

Her breathing slowed to normal and her vision cleared. Jasper hugged her tightly, but gently. As if he was scared of breaking her.

" Sorry Carlisle, I freaked out on you there. Can we continue the conversation with jasper in the room? "

Carlisle nodded and agreed to alpha's request of jasper staying. It seemed like she needed him, and who was he to decline.

" Yes, that was me. It is one of the many things I can do. I have been in contact with this specific pack of wolves for a long time now, I actually rule over them "

Alpha spoke calmly now that her mate was present. Her thoughts were processed easier and she could handle them knowing. It seemed as though she could handle anything, if it was with jasper.

" Rule over them? Please continue "

Carlisle spoke gently. Alpha thought of ways she could respond.

" You are aware that you, as vampires, have a goddess, a Greek and Roman? And that you share this goddess with the wolves? "

Both men in the room nodded their heads.

" Yes, lady.... Alpha "

Jasper hesitated before saying the name, everything becoming clear to him. Why alpha was seemingly not human. Why she was so oddly beautiful and why she always seemed so tense. She had caught conversations that she had with Edward, and every time her oddly shaped shadow was brought up, she avoided the question.

Her shadow was normal most of the time, but sometimes it slipped. It changed. It swirled like smoke and took a new shape. A shape that looked like the shadow of a queen, a goddess. As quick as it came it was gone, which made jasper think that he was imagining it but now he knew that he was not.

" And your shadow? "

Jasper voiced his thoughts, wanting an explanation from the woman.

" It shows my true form, unless I control it. It has a robe and a crown. It shows who I was "

Jasper and Carlisle nodded their heads. The realisation that they had been keeping company with a goddess caught up to them. Carlisle was the first to stand and bow. However, just as jasper rose to do the same, she assured them it was not necessary.

" I am no hero, nor someone to look up to. You should not bow to me. Not now, and not ever. I am not worthy "

Her voice was so stern and final that they had no choice but to follow what she wanted.

Jasper smiled a cheeky grin before he exited the room.

" By the way, my lady. Bella is coming to meet our family, as Edward's girlfriend. I suggest you are here in all your royal glory "

He spoke mischievously and slipped out the door. Alpha turned to question Carlisle but thought better of it.

This would be fun.

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