the game

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Alpha sat on the bed in her room, curled up with another book. She tried to ignore the shadows but lately their tales about coming home were starting to get to her. Not to mention, she missed her father and step-mother terribly. Though neither were the most loveable gods, Hades and Persephone had tried to make her feel at home in the underworld. They didn't really love her, but that was ok. She didn't expect them to.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. Edward payed her a visit every morning when she woke up and every night before she went to bed. It was sweet, but sometimes annoying. He just wanted to make sure that she didn't go running back home, he says that he needed her to stay. She agreed to staying, for now. She had lessened the amount of time she spent talking to jasper more and more until she stopped all together. Jasper didn't know what he did wrong but he regretted it. Alpha in the other hand, was just pained, she had somehow convinced herself that Jasper was in love with Alice. She couldn't talk about her fears with any of her friends because, well, they were all in his family!

" hey ally "

Edward spoke softly as he entered the room. Today, he wanted to talk about down thing different. He was determined to understand why she wasn't talking to jasper anymore. He also had to get her to come to play baseball with the family. He knew the family wasn't the problem, the problem would be that Bella was coming.

Edward went to open his mouth when a large crack echoed from the Forrest just outside the house. A confused voice echoes from with in the trees.

" What the hell is this? Why does alpha live in a place surrounded by trees? "

The family ran to the front of the house. As they all had super speed, they were out there as quick as a flash. Edward had carried Alpha our making the family look at him as he put her down. Especially Jasper. He glared at Edward so fiercely it was surprising he was still alive.

" Maybe because it's dark, ollie? "

Alpha spoke up, making laughter boom from the unknown source. The person revealed them-self, making gasped go up from the vampires. Sure, they were vampires. They knew what beauty looked like but they had never seen someone this beautiful in their existence.

" I am the God Apollo "

His loud voice boomed across the land. The family stopped in to a bow, while Alpha smiled at him. His eyebrows furrowed and he faked concern.

" You look awfully different"

Alpha laughed at his subtle way of telling her to change to her true form. The family watched on as an elegant black robe covered her body. Her hair grew until it came all the way down to her waist and changed a sleek black colour. Her eyes brightened until they were a vibrant blood red. Her teeth sharpened to fangs and her lips deepened in colour to match her eyes. Her skin kept getting paler till it was as white as snow, she got talked. She was, all in all, the most beautiful (and sexy) thing the family had ever seen.

" um, are you sure you're just the goddess of monsters? "

Emmett asked cheekily, earning a snack from Alice, Rosalie and Esme. Wow, tough crowd. Alpha however, laughed the comment off and ran up to hug the God.

" Can he come in? "

Alpha turned and asked Carlisle, who nodded graciously. The entire family was nervous. Yes, they had a goddess living with them. But that was Alpha. She wasn't an Olympian, she isn't even in action anymore. They also knew her before as Artemis before they knew her as Alpha. Now, they had two gods in their home.

Alpha and Apollo went upstairs to her room, while we stayed downstairs and listened. Their conversation lasted maybe 10 minutes before they emerged from the room. Alpha was still in her goddess form, her eyes no longer red but swirling pits of darkness.

Apollo excused himself and left the house, disappearing with a crack. Once he was gone her eyes went back to red. A single tear escaped her eye. Everyone in the room watched as she seemed to have an internal battle with herself.

Alpha wanted to go and sit with Jasper, but she didn't know if she should. He had gone back to looking repulsed by her, and she didn't want to ask the shadows what was wrong. Eventually, she gave in to herself and sat next to jasper.

" We're going to play baseball, we want you to come "

Jasper spoke quietly next to her, speaking in to her ear. Alpha beamed, seemingly forgetting all about Apollo's visit.


Alpha touched down on the pitch where they would be playing. Her wings furled back in to her back and her eyes scanned the area, immediately landing on the very out of place Bella.

" You didn't say she'd be here "

Alpha spoke at a normal volume, knowing the vampires would hear but Bella wouldn't. Edward looked at her, an almost disappointed look on his face. Excusing himself, he wandered over to where Alpha stood.

" please be nice "

He pleaded with the young goddess, who eventually crumbled and gave in to her best friend. Let the game begin.

The vampires hit the ball with such strength a loud, cracking sound echoed like lightning every time. They ran with such speed, that if Edward wasn't there she was sure they would all make it to home base.

Bella seemed timid and afraid, calling the shots on who was safe and who wasn't. She smiled and laughed as she flinched when Rosalie glared at her. At least not everyone had been forced to 'play nice'.

Alpha watched jasper play, his agility astounded her. Emmett caught her staring from the other side of the pitch, and wiggled his eyebrows. Shaking her head, she giggled under her breathe, catching the attention of Jasper. If he could hear her laugh every day, he would gladly accept the offer.

The ball was hit once more, but a different vibe filled the air. Three vampires stalked on to the field, their ball in hand, with very red eyes.

Artemis // Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now