the heart clenches

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Emmett laughed loudly at something alpha had just said. The two had been out the front of the house for a while now, just joking around.

" It's true! I think I would be stronger than you! "

Emmett laughed again. Alpha was tiny! He didn't know what her abilities were, but there was no way she was as strong as vampire, especially one as strong as him.

" I reckon I'd be faster too"

Alpha spoke with so much confidence that Emmett couldn't help himself. The look on her face when she realised he was faster and stronger would be hilarious. Then again, he seemed to be forgetting that she was a goddess.

" Fine then, let's have a race and a fight "

Emmett called for the family to come outside and judge. The first to leave the house was Carlisle and Esme, followed by Rosalie, Edward and Bella (who was still here, much to Alpha's annoyance). The last to arrive was jasper and Alice, both in rather close proximity of each other. Alpha felt her heart clench but she pushed the feeling down. She refused to feel this way.

" We're having a race. A lap around the whole Forrest "

The family smiled and nodded, they knew that Emmett was fast, and they all thought that Alpha would have trouble keeping up. Except for Edward. Who had seen her in action, he knew exactly how she intended to win this race.

A smirk over came Alpha's face.

" I'll give you a head start "

The family looked at her like she was insane, but let her do as she wished.

" GO "

Alice yelled happily, sending a smile towards alpha. Alpha tried to smile back but thought it looked more like a grimace than a smile. She focused on where Emmett had disappeared and allowed her large wings to unfold. Gasps and laughs went up and she pushed up in to the air. The sheer force of her wings pushed everyone to the ground, and caused the ground to dip slightly. She took off flying over the tops of the trees. She possessed so much speed that she beat Emmett by 5 seconds, even with his head start.

" That's not fair! I didn't know you could fly "

Emmett exclaimed as he finished, panting. Alpha simply smirked at him. What did he expect? She doesn't have super speed, and she wanted to win somehow.

Bella stood next to Edward in awe. Her mouth opened and closed a few times as she simply stared at alpha. Her eyebrows were furrowed, but her eyes were wide. Alice was the first to talk.

" They're absolutely beautiful "

She smiled as she looked at Alpha's wings. Alpha smiled at her, a genuine smile. No one had ever called her beautiful and meant it, not in her entire life. Even if it was just her wings. Jackson had called her beautiful a few times in their friendship, but the shadows had told her he was lying. She knew they were telling her the truth because they could not lie to her. It was impossible.

Alice reached out a small hand to to them, and before she could warn her not to her hand passed right through the large wing. Alice sent her an odd look before a burning sensation started on her hand.

" take it out! "

Alpha all but screamed at Alice, who pulled her hand out not even a second later. Alice's hand began to burn and blister.

" I'm so sorry, they're designed to repel vampires "

Alpha sounded so sincere that Alice was touched that she cared about her that much. Jasper stepped forward and grabbed Alice's hand, pulling her in to the house to fix her hand up. Cue yet another heart clench for Alpha. Carlisle followed close behind.

" wait till we get back for the fight, I want to see this "

Carlisle spoke over his shoulder before he followed the pair inside the house. Alpha looked over at Bella who looked like she was bursting to ask a question. Alpha raised an eyebrow at her childish behaviour, if she wanted to know something she should just ask.

" Yes, Bella? "

Alpha felt like a teacher calling on a kindergarten student.

" Can I touch them? You said they're designed to repel vampires, so I thought maybe I could touch them "

Alpha nodded her head twice and gestured towards her wings with a simple hand motion. Bella's hand passed through but didn't burn like Alpha thought it would. She knew it was wrong to allow Bella to do something that would cause her harm, but she really didn't care. What confused her was why it wasn't hurting her.

" They're amazing "

Bella sounded genuine, which made her feel bad for letting her do that. Alpha smiled and thanked her, not missing the voice that rang through her head.

How could you, alpha? When you knew it would hurt her?

Edwards voice echoed in her head making her feel guilty. Honestly, alpha didn't know for sure if they would burn the girl. Jackson had touched them, as had a friend of hers, but one was part werewolf and the other was a demigod. So, neither were human and neither were proof that it would hurt Bella.

She let Edward know what she was thinking and she was forgiven. After all, for all he knew she was merely curious to if the burning would work on a human or not.

Carlisle, Alice and jasper walked out from the house. A large rock was placed in between alpha and Emmett. When alpha sent a questioning glance Edwards way he explained.

" We thought an arm wrestle would be the best way to determine "

Alpha nodded and prepared her arm for the pressure that her arm would be placed under. Once it had begun Alpha was shocked at how strong Emmett actually was. She pushed harder until his arm began to bend her way. His faced was screwed up in concentration while Alpha simply sat with a smirk, not even breaking a sweat.

His arm smashed down on to the rock, crushing the entires thing to rubble because of how hard alpha was pushing. Alpha looked at him, a smirk covering her features.

" I won "

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