the wings

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Edward sat and watched. He watched for what seemed like hours, as his best friend rested on a rock in the middle of the woods. The spot she had chosen was right on the border of the vampire and wolf land. He thought about showing himself but stopped himself when a large wolf stepped out of the tree line.

The wolf stared at Alpha from the other side of the river, unable to cross due to the treaty. Alpha stood, a joyful smile overcame her face as she looked at the wolf. Edwards brows furrowed even more at this, Edward knew that Emmett had thought she was a werewolf at first, and the scent had definitely been there but he hadn't thought about it at the time. Alpha was clearly friends with the wolves, which would bring its complications.

Edward thought back to when he chased Jackson down the hallway. Jackson seemed happy to ruin what little Alpha had left, which is what made him leave. Edward had walked away before jackson could tell him anything, because if Jackson thought it was so important that it would ruin their friendship, he would rather hear it from her.

" I'll race you back to your house "

Edward was filled with confusion in that moment. Who in their right mind would want to race a wolf? Edward was the only vampire that has been known to be faster than a werewolf, and there were a lot of vampires. How fast could Alpha be? Edward watched in amazement as large wings curled out of Alpha's back. Her wings were massive. Larger than anything he had ever seen in his entire existence, and they were beautiful too. They were dark and wispy, as though they were made of smoke.

Alpha took off in to the air with such power it was a shock she didn't crush him whenever she hugged him. Any of the trees that were near her take-off area were completely flattened creating a crater. Wind pushed through the trees with so much force every time Alpha flapped her wings. Edward watched, with a massive grin etched on to his face, as Alpha soared over the trees. She moved with so much speed that he though she would definitely beat the wolf. Soon, Alpha was far out of sight, and so Edward turned and walked back toward the school.

School was almost over by the time Edward returned. Jasper sat on the steps out the front of the school waiting for Edward to return. As soon as Edward came in to view, the blonde-haired vampire was on his feet. Jasper was anxious for the return of his soulmate. However, he quickly realised that Alpha was not with Edward.

" She's with the wolves "

He spoke quistly, He knew that he could trust the wolves with her, after all, they seemed to be friends. However, he also knew that Jasper would not feel the same way.

" The wolves? You let her go with the wolves? "

Jasper seemed to be overtaken by rage in the moment. His eyes darkened and he stared at Edward with so much anger it was amazing that Edward wasn't dead by now. Alice came running down the steps, determined to calm jasper down. She ran in between the two just as the bell rang. Students filled the car park, most of them staring at the rage filled siblings.

" Go, edward "

Alice spoke quietly to edward, urging him to leave before the situation became any worse. Edward turned and jumped in to his silver volvo, speeding out of the car park. Just as he pulled up at the house, a small figure emerged from the trees.


She ran up to him, tears streamed down her face. Thoughts ran through Alpha's head. It seemed she wa slosing all her friends, she was well on her way to being alone again. First, was Jackson, who left her without much though. Then, the wolves. All because she was friends with the vampires. Emmett's car pulled in to the driveway, filled with the rest of the siblings. Jasper was the first out of the car, and he quickly ran up to Alpha.

Taking her gently from Edward, he took her in to his arms and ran her in to the house. He sat her gently on the couch as the other vampires filed in to the house. jasper motioned to them to give her some space, as he didn't know what was wrong yet. He looke dover to Edward, who he was still mad at, but at the moment Edward was their best chace at undertsnading.

Edward focused on the girls confusinng thoughts. They were mingled with each other and they all seemed to lead to other thoughts. Some of her thoughts sounded like they were screaming at her. If his head wa slike this, he would be crying too.

Why would they leave me?

I should go home.

This is your home.

No, it's not, don't be silly.

Edward continued to listen to her thoughts. Suddenly, a searing pain went through his head. All heads in the room whipped around to face him as he creamed out in pain. It was like nothing he had ever felt. His mind felt like it was burning.

" Stay out of my head "

Alpha spoke calmly, but with an undertone of anger.

Honestly, what did he expect from a goddess?

Edward eyes widened, to an almost comical size. His mouth opened and closed a few times, before he finally seemed to come to his senses.

" When were you going to tell us? "

Edwrad spoke, his voice accusing her.

" When I thought you could handle it "

Alpha narrowed her eyes at Edward. They were filled with so much pain, that he felt bad for yelling at her. For being angry at her. For anything negative he had ever said about her. She had lost so much and she had been through so much, he had no idea what her life was like. Alpha's voice entered his mind one last time.

I need to go home

Then, she passed out.

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